I waited for an inflatable sofa as a gift, and got a bunch of paper and perfume. How Belarusians pay 39.90 per "waste paper"

I waited for an inflatable sofa as a gift, and got a bunch of paper and perfume. How Belarusians pay 39.90 per
I waited for an inflatable sofa as a gift, and got a bunch of paper and perfume. How Belarusians pay 39.90 per
I waited for an inflatable sofa as a gift, and got a bunch of paper and perfume. How Belarusians pay 39.90 per
I waited for an inflatable sofa as a gift, and got a bunch of paper and perfume. How Belarusians pay 39.90 per
I waited for an inflatable sofa as a gift, and got a bunch of paper and perfume. How Belarusians pay 39.90 per

A person wants to believe in a skate and that good gifts can literally refrigerate from nowhere. And therefore, the manager calls from an unknown online store and offers to accept a parcel with solid content, not everyone will suspect the catch and will listen to the wording, carefully analyzing them. The story of the deceived expectations of the Onliner Forum was told by one of Belarus.

- They called a week ago on the mobile, they said that I had a gift set for the fact that I had some kind of WP client "Online Store". A woman at that end of the wire clarified: the set will be a backpack turning into an inflatable sofa. And warned that in the mail I will only have to pay 39 rubles 90 kopecks, they say, name the address where to send. At the end added: all previous customers were very pleased with the gift, hope you will also be.

Week passed, I received an SMS from the post office that the parcel arrived, and then they called from the same store, but from another room and asked when I can pick up the package. Well, on the same day I went to the post office, defended the queue, took the parcel, deciding to open her at home. And there was a bunch of twisted papers (apparently for weight) and a bottle of cheap spirits. And instead of the promised sofa, they laid a strange printout in the form of a certificate of 300 rubles. In additional paper it is proposed to order a whole product again. None of the numbers responds, or permanently occupied (perhaps block numbers of those who have already ordered), is experiencing a trusty woman.

Of course, in this story there was a thousand reasons to be alert: at least find out what the online store and how did you become in it the VIP client, if they did not order anything before. And what are these gifts, if you have to pay for them. And not symbolic 2-5 rubles. But naive people, only freezing on the Halyava horizon, often lose their vigilance. Then grieve.

We have already told about similar schemes of "taking", only in the previous time it was about the possibility of obtaining a good video recorder (from IP Glovko O. Yu.). Now in the top of the inflatable sofas, however, already from IP Sheles S. A. But, which is noteworthy, all of the same Pinsk. Activities, as usual, is completely legal - it is not forced to take the parcel, and that before promises, then you need to listen to the manager attentively. For example, in the case of the DVR, the welcome speech sounded like this: "I want to please you sincerely: since you are our client and previously interested in or purchased our products, as a sign of gratitude, we prepared a gift set, and after receiving it - the watch of a high-quality replica of the famous brand and video recorder in the car. DVR and watch you get as a gift, in the mail you pay only the services of the company and mail on delivery and packaging - 39.9 rubles. Tell me, will it be convenient for you to get a parcel during the week? "

Heathwood? Heathro. And you do not care: they warned everything, you just need to listen carefully. So in our case, in the "Methodichka" attached to the parcel, it is said: "You received a package from us with a gift certificate in the amount of 300 Belarusian rubles, and after receiving an inflatable sofa of a very stylish design, in the expanded state of 200 × 90 cm for the cottage, for home For the beach - in the rolled state turns into a backpack. " Next, it is explained how to use the certificate: you can choose products from the listed, however, the delivery will have to pay again, and for each product separately, it is impossible to combine parcels. Delivery service costs from 20 to 50 rubles. (By the way, for 50 rubles with kopecks, you can send a two-kilogram parcel to Poland accelerated delivery, and not that's all this.)

That is, if the inflatable sofa is still very necessary, then it is possible for the certificate "acquire", but it will be necessary to pay for delivery - 49.90. TOTAL together with the previously submitted 39.90 we get almost 90 rubles. And after all, no one knows how this very sofa backpack looks like: it is possible that it may be an ordinary inflatable mattress of rubles for 30-35. The photo and the specification of goods is not attached. Explained in the leaflet and such a large amount of paper in the package - so that nothing broke.

Noteworthy and such a moment: in explanation to the certificate itself, all gifts that can be purchased besides an inflatable sofa are listed. In general, Svan Schrödinger some. In general, the system is incomprehensible, even if you want to go to the end. To find out the nuances, we tried to contact the SP at the specified phone number, but to call the "online store" with the go (as promised in notes) failed - "all operators are busy." True, later the representative of the store (the advertising department) was contacted, which, having learned about the preparation of the material, refused to answer questions until the full name of the client was named: "The promotion in the store was held for customers. To comment on you, you need to understand whether a person really was a client of our store. Maybe it is not from our store. I do not know how this package got into your hands, who recipient this parcel. I'm not sure that the person received a parcel specifically from our store. In any case, in the store, all questions will always be solved in favor of the client. "

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