Sale Redish correctly: 8 Rules landing beloved vegetable


    Good afternoon, my reader. Radish is one of the favorite vegetable crops of gardeners. And as a lot of dishes, where this little pink vegetable is very good: okroshka, summer salad and just in fresh form it is quite tasty.

    Sale Redish correctly: 8 Rules landing beloved vegetable 10853_1
    Plant Radish right: 8 landing rules of beloved Vegetable Maria Verbilkova

    It can be satisfied with both open ground, so try to grow at home on the windowsill. But to get a good harvest, it is still better to give preference to open soil. Radish sowing - from April to October.

    • Early: White Brefast, Jolie, Heat, Poker, Rhodes, Champion.
    • Overhead: Ilka, red with white tip, ice icicle, saksa.
    • Late: Dungansky 12/8, Carmina, Red Giant.

    Only the right departure will allow to achieve a good harvest. Follow the following rules:

    The soil is pre-high or disintended. Add before stealing humid, ash and mineral fertilizers (it can be superphosphate, magnesium or other). Remember that it is impossible to make fresh manure. Then Radish will be hollow and tasteless.

    The plot should be on the sunny side. Radisha loves heat and tolerates strong winds.

    Early spring and early summer use early grades seeds. Late seed not before August. Pre-seeds can be germinated - use a wet napkin or toilet paper. Well wet and put seeds. After 2-3 days, you can get into the ground. For good rooting and rapidly, sowing can be shedding with water with the addition of "zircon" or "epina".

    Sale Redish correctly: 8 Rules landing beloved vegetable 10853_2
    Plant Radish right: 8 landing rules of beloved Vegetable Maria Verbilkova

    Make a groove at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other. After every 5 cm, drink seeds. At night, if the weather has not yet been stable, the bed can be covered with observer material or sweetheart.

    The air temperature for good seed geimes is up to 20 degrees. Culture badly tolerate freezing.

    A good crop depends on a good regular irrigation. The soil must be moderately humid, but not dry or raw.

    After each watering between the grooves, the soil should be braid.

    On non-fertilized soils, it should be done in early spring. Prepare the infusion - a simple grass (weeds) to fill with water, add dry chicken litter. Capacity Close the lid and give it. After a couple of weeks it will be ready. Add a solution at each watering at the rate of 1: 1.

    10-12 hours Groke must be under sunlight. If more, then the soil should be covered with observer material.

    Cruciferous fleece - the main enemy of the radish. Many gardeners from year to year lead an unequal battle with her. But everything is unsuccessful. The use of chemical reagents will adversely affect the composition of the fetus and the soil.

    • For the prevention of the soil regularly sprinkle ashes - this is a good fertilizer, and helps to get rid of the flea time.
    • The flea does not like acidic water, so when watering, add citric acid - 1 tbsp. l. on 10 liters of water.
    • Constantly wet the leaves, often spray them with water.

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