Top 10 best serials of spring

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Not all spring plans of the cutting services are known, but a dozen prospective projects that will definitely start in the near future, it has easily gained. There is a competitor "Witcher", and the imitator of "secret materials", and science fiction, and even a pair of suitable animated series. Almost all this will begin to show already in March, something left for April. Mai, most likely, back in a separate material in a couple of months.

"Debris" (NBC, from March 1)

The sci-fi series in the spirit of "secret materials". Here, too, we are talking about a couple of specialists. They were pleased to get involved in the study of the wreckage of the spacecraft, which seems to be crashing on our planet.

It is necessary to act carefully, because no one knows what kind of danger is these debris. It seems they are able to change the laws of physics, as well as to influence the behavior of people. It is necessary to encounter a multitude of unknown to protect the Earth.

"Pacific Rim: Dark Zone" (Netflix, March 4)

Huge creatures appeared from the boundless ocean junk and began to terrorize the planet. To combat the monsters, they came up with huntsmen - special giant robots. The main characters of the animated series - Brother with his sister Taylor and Haley. Teenagers find an old merger, graduate and go to search for their parents.

Familiar plot? This does not have anything strange, because this anime continues the story of the movie of the same name Guillermo del Toro (as well as his sequel 2018). Only this time the events occur in Australia, where they finally got Kaizhu.

"Pacific frontier: the dark zone" - a new project from the Showranners of the filmmixes "People of X" and "Thor: Ragnarec". The creators promise a holiday on animeshnikov Street and have already thought about the second season.

"Generation" (HBO MAX, from March 11)

Another project about the suspicious life of high school students. Recently, such serials appear increasingly, and we are talking about high-budgetary pictures. So here: "Generation" will become one of the top spring TV shows from the HBO Max giant.

The authors claim that they will show the gloomy side of the life of American schoolchildren, albeit without comedy moments. The center of attention is drugs, sexual experiences and school weekdays.

The series has already attracted the attention of the public in that in one of the scenes (biology lesson), the corpses of kittens were used for autopsy. The episode promised to cut, the cinematographers apologized to the deepest, and several actors even quit in the rustling of frantic perturbation.

"The only one" (Netflix, from March 12)

The film is the film of the simultaneous bestseller of John Mars, who entered all sorts of lists of "books that must be read in 2020." As you can see, Netflix did not think for a long time and took the work in turnover almost immediately in the publisher.

The actions of the "only" occur in the near future, when technology learned from DNA test to determine the perfect partner for a particular person. The center of attention is a few characters deciding on such a test. Someone really wants to find their half, and someone is ready to risk his own family. Is the new technology really bring happiness?

A total of eight episodes will be released, the second and subsequent seasons are not planned.

"League of justice Zack Snipher" (HBO MAX, March 18)

In fact, this is not a novelty at all, but the remounted full-length version of the Blockbster 2017 release. Yes, and the series updated "Justice League" can be called only with stretch - just the timing of the ribbon increased twice, to four hours.

Four years ago, the tape fell into all sorts of tops of the failures. Fans and Snyer accused all sins Studio and Joss Odon, who thoroughly spoiled the initial idea of ​​Zack.

As a result, the picture was shuffled so that something should be completely unusual. Zack Snider returned a bunch of cut scenes, made a few new ones, even managed to recycle images and characters of several key heroes. In general, there will be something ambitiously cool or as ambitious failed.

"Falcon and Winter Soldiers" (Disney +, from March 19)

We waited for this series in the winter, however, it will begin to show it yet in March. But to the official announcement, several parts of the plot were clear, which in Disney still try to keep secret.

The series of the series begins exactly after the events of the film "Avengers: Final". If everything is known about the central superheroes, then there was no information about the villains until recently. But this will be at least one - the terrorist Baron Zamo.

They say, about $ 150 million left on shooting six time episodes, so the spectacle should be worthy of at least outwardly.

"Dota: Dragon Blood" (Netflix, March 25)

Most recently, Netflix announced the anime series on the game Dota 2, and the project, it turns out, is ready. The release of all eight episodes called "Dota: Dragon Blood is scheduled for March 25. The authors promise the epic story about Knight Davione and Princess Miran.

The studio is responsible for the animation, in the portfolio of which such projects are indicated as "the legend of the corre" and "Voltron: the legendary defender". Showranner of the series appeals to Ashley Miller, whose account "X-Men: First Class" and "Tor".

"Invulnerable" (Amazon Prime, from March 26)

Another new animated series, for this time from Amazon. It is based on the comics of Robert Kirkman, with whose works you are probably familiar with the "walking dead men" - it came up with a zombie universe in the form of comics, which still removed the walking series.

"Invulnerable" will tell about the 17-year-old Mark Grace. The father of a teenager is the most powerful Omni-man on the planet. The brand also wake up superpowers. Now he needs to somehow cope with them. The situation is complicated by the fact that the superhero is perhaps not such a positive character as you used to exhibit.

Many stars took part in the voice acting "invulnerable". Among them, for example, J. K. Simmons, Seth Rogen, Mark Hamill, Mahershal Ali and many others. However, for admirers of creativity "Cubia in Cuba" it all does not matter.

"Mair from Eastutown" (HBO, from April 18)

The mini-series in which Kate Winslet performed the main role of the Mair Shihen detective from the tiny town in Pennsylvania. Here the woman investigates the cruel murder and completely forgets about his own family. What is more important: to find a killer or save contacts with loved ones?

Kate Winslet was a guy Pierce, Evan Peters and Julianna Nicholson. The mini-series consists of seven episodes who will tell the complete history without hints to continue. The whole project shot one director - Craig Zobel. Previously, he took part in the creation of the "Wild West World" and "American Gods". A year ago, I released a "hunt" - an ironic thriller about political cleaning.

"Shadow and Bone" (Netflix, from April 23)

A large-scale fantasy project from Netflix, ready to sort and with the "Witcher" and, maybe even with the "Game of Thrones". The plot is based on the best-selling American writer Lee Bardgo.

Once the powerful country of the zervka is divided into a nucleon canyon into two parts. Cross the canyon cannot be due to the terrible creatures in his impenetrable darkness. Two heroes, however, must be on any part of the riga to another. It would also be killed in a terrible canyon, but at the most responsible moment at the main character wakes up the ancient magic of light, which can not only be offset, but perhaps even save the whole country. In general, it remains only to regret that this does not happen in reality.

The main shooting took place in Budapest and the surrounding area. The series was supposed to come out last year, but COVID-19 pandemic corrected Netflix's plans.

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