11.02 "Rabbit Lap" Nana Georghudze goes into the hire


In Russian rental, the lyrical melodrama "Rabbit Lap" is coming out - this is the new work of the director of Nana Georghudze, the laureate of the Cannes Festival and the nominee for the Oscar Prize. The picture is a coproduction of three countries: Russia, Finland and Belgium. "Rabbit paws" is a film about love in the era of change, the history of the Frenchman and the girls from St. Petersburg (then Leningrad), the chronicle of the collision of two worlds, which stretch over to each other, but can not find the point of harmony.

The roles of Ali and Nicolas were performed by Petersburg Actress Svetlana Shchedrin and a French actor, a three-time nominee for the Cesear Award, Nicolas Duzošel ("Daughter of Exclamor", the series "Flip"). Also in one of the main roles, the Russian actor Evgeny Tkachuk appeared ("Winter Way", "As Vitka Garlic ..."), who played a friend of childhood of the main character.

Noticeable and colorful roles in the picture were also performed by Evgenia Dobrovolskaya, Oleg Garkusha (Frontman Auktsyon Group, actor and musician), Alexander Polovtsev and Valentina ash (leading model of the Agency OLDUSHKA). Separately, it is worth noting participation in the project of the stars of French cinema, the actor with a world name, Pierre Richara, who played the role of grandfather's grandfather's grandfather. Pierre Richard is not the first time in the ribbons of Nana Georghudze: earlier they collaborated on the projects of "27 stolen kisses" and "1001 recipe for a loving culinary".

Director Nana Georghudze is known not only in Russia and Georgia, but also far beyond their limits. For the film "Robinsonada, or My English Grandfather", Georzhadze in 1987 received a prize of the Cannes Film Festival "Golden Camera" for the best directorial debut. In 1997, the director was nominated for the Oscar Award in the category "The best film in a foreign language" for the film "1001 Recipe for Loving Culinary Culinary" with Pierre Richarom in the lead role. Nana Jordzhadze was elected by a member of the European and American Film Academy.


Two - Ala and Nicolas meet in St. Petersburg. She is the air Petersburg intelligent, he is a French architect, charming handsome man. They cannot live without each other, but also cannot be together .. The story of their love is a chronicle of the collision of two worlds, which stretch over to each other, but can not find a point of harmony.

Director about the film

The film "Rabbit Lap" is removed according to the scenario of Irina Lukinova. Answering the question than the film's scenario attracted the director, Nana Georghadze says: "Such thin nuances. Not the story itself, although it is wonderful, but these are thin threads, a web, which heroes are connected with each other, with the world, with the environment, with events. This is such a fragile walking on the thin ice of heroes. They are suspended between the sky and the earth. They are real, earthly and completely departed in the astral and flying between stars. This is amazing, thin, beautiful, romantic story. It will be a film not even known from the 90s or modernity. I have timeless films get. "

"Rabbit Lap" received a prize for the best operator work Mikhail Kvirikadze at the XVIII Russian Festival of Cinema and the Theater "Amur Autumn" in Blagoveshchensk. The film was favorably met with the first spectators and critics.

About the movie Rabbit Lapa

Rabbit's Paw, La Patte de lapin

  • Slogan: "Two worlds - one love"
  • Year of production: 2020
  • Country: Russia, Belgium, Finland
  • Production: Zebra Film Company
  • Genre: melodrama, drama, family
  • Audio track: Russian
  • Subtitles: English, French, Spanish
  • Director: Nana Georghadze
  • Scenario: Irina (Ira) Lukinova
  • Producer: Julia Sobolevskaya, Irina Maryrichuk, Patrick Kina, Mary of Ritola
  • Operator: Mikhail (Mauh) Quirikadze
  • Composer: Alexander Simonenko
  • Artist: Marina Nikolaev
  • Installation: Igor Litoninsky

Age: 16+.

Time: 100 min.

Actors and roles
  • Svetlana Shchedrin - the role of "Alya"
  • Nicolas Duzhoshl - the role of "Nicolas"
  • Pierre Rishar - the role of "grandfather Niki"
  • Evgeny Tkachuk - the role of "Mitya"
  • Evgenia Dobrovolskaya - the role of "Nina"
  • Oleg Garquash - the role of "Goncharov"
  • Alexander Polovtsev - the role of "Gennady"
  • Alexander Markhevski - the role of "Pierre"
  • Berenis Bao - the role of "Juliette"
  • Michelle Israel - the role of "Jean"
  • Valentina ash - the role of "Arkadyevna"
  • Vladimir Andrianov - the role of "Zhenya"
  • Leon Access - the role of "Levushka"
  • Alexander Balsanov (Episode) - the role of "Pak"
  • Snezhana Prudko (episode) - the role of "Verka"
  • Marietta Cigal (Episode) - the role of "Sima"
  • Oksana Basilevich (Episode) - the role of "wife"
  • Sergey Byzgu (Episode) - the role of "husband"
  • Inna Karpushin (Episode) - the role of "Cellist"
  • Marina Alistratova (episode) - the role of "Girl Mitya"
  • Alexey Mitin (Episode) - the role of "Kostya"
  • Kirill Varaks (Episode) - the role of "Sasha"
  • Yakov Petrov (episode) - the role of "friend"
  • Stepan Polovtsy (Episode) - the role of "guitarist"

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