"Running in a labyrinth: a cure for death": the killer himself, and the comrade will cut out


Cheerful finals of the boyfriend of postpocalyptic trilogy

In the distant postpocalyptic future, a civilized world continues to collapse. Rows of people mowed a unsecured virus, turning them into a similarity zombie. Not yet sick are called by "shizmi" and try to eliminate them. The infrastructure of civilization and its city collapsed is all but one. Youth of Thomas (Dylan O'Brien), with a group of peers successfully escaped from the labyrinth, where their immunity to the virus was tested, wants to get into the impregnable fortress of the organization of a vice, kidnapping his friend Minho (Ki Hong Hong) for further experiments. Girlfriend Guys, Teresa (Kaya Skodelirio), betrayed them by joining the videos and becoming similar to the young version of his leader, a female scientist Ava Page (Patricia Clarkson). Experiments on people vice justifies the future blessing for humanity. But is it worth the desired tear medicine Minho?

"Running in a labyrinth: cure for death": watch a movie online for free

The vigorous finale of the trilogy "Running in a labyrinth" spent with one-time delay spent time at all in vain and finds good from the sluggish second part of the franchise. The hero here has a clear and clear goal here - the salvation of a friend from the paws of the vice is - that it does not prevent him from reflecting over unfulfilled relations with Teresa and think about the fate of the future. All the characters children have grown great during this time and, I must say, the acting talent, constituting a good ensemble with the artists of Idan Gillen, Gancarlo Esposito and Walton Goggins. The tape became more colorful, replete natural landscapes and views of the city, and pretty added in dynamics: perhaps due to the injury of Dilan, the simple jogging of characters changed races on cars and aircraft.

The film is not shy of comparisons and the Kinzitat - Of course, we have already seen similar and in the "mad Max", and in the "fireflock" and even a "strong nut" - it will not prevent the image and again. In the visual, the legacy of computer "shooters" is also felt, however, and it does not take off the view. From the quest of the first part through the zombo apocalypse, the second trilogy came to a dynamic shooter - the main thing, to be sure that you shoot our enemy.

And while the vice continues to look for a cure for death for the elect, Thomas with friends have already opened the wording of the drug from fear. No need to think about the future of salvation or death of mankind, you need to live a real day, making what you think is important now, for you and your loved ones. Even if such actions definitely lead to your death (is it not the main property of the person?). Uncompromising a teenage war against the rotational system will still come to an end. The heroes, of course, will be waiting for the "Hollywood finale" - that's just for Thomas, he will remain open, and the victory is not quite obvious. After all, hardly a born leader will arrange a life in a quiet harbor, whatever sweet it is.

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