Electric power industry: soon in the industry there will be no one to work


Electric power industry: soon in the industry there will be no one to work

Electric power industry: soon in the industry there will be no one to work

Astana. March, 3rd. KazTAG - Today, in the energy sector of Kazakhstan, the lowest salary among the energy sector of the CIS, the lowest level of monetary content among all industrial sectors of the economy, the highest fluidity of personnel and the greatest wear of the basic funds of more than 60%. This was told in the Kazakhstan sectoral trade union of power engineers.

As it turned out, this situation in the key to the economy of the country's country remains unchanged for the last 25 years. The insufficient situation was confirmed by the latest data of the Bureau of National Statistics Agency for Strategic Planning and RC Reforms for the IV quarter of 2020 - the average salary of energy by 6.86% less than all in Kazakhstan.

Among the reasons for the current situation in the development of thermal and electrical energy in the trade union, there is a complete state control over the pricing and excessive regulation of all services with antimonopoly authorities.

It's time to intervene and accomplish the situation, the Chairman of the NGO "Kazakhstan Sectoral Trade Union of Power Engineers" Orabek Beckbas believes.

"In our industry, one of the smallest wages, youth leaves, in a short time it will be elementary to work. We have repeatedly referred to the government, the Parliament, the Ministry of Energy, Labor and Social Protection, the National Economy on the issue of increasing wages to power engineers. However, everyone is nodding for the antimonopoly authority. At the same time, the cream comes, unfortunately, the answer that is difficult to call constructive. If everything continues in such a spirit, we will have a crisis of lack of personnel on power plants, and as a result and a disaster in the electric power industry, "the leader of the Energy Trade Union said.

According to Orazbek Beckbas, the exit from the situation is seen in a simultaneous increase in energy salary to the average level in the regions, which can be done only when approving the tariff, taking into account this level. When approving the tariff, not a factual, but the regulatory staff number of employees of the enterprise.

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