Why is the Russian vaccine from coronavirus called "satellite V"?


In August 2020, Russian scientists reported the creation of the first vaccine from coronavirus "Satellite-V". Its effectiveness was estimated at 91.4% and starting from December 10 in Russia there is a free vaccination program. It is produced among risk groups aged 18 to 60 years, but first of all vaccines are made to employees of medical and educational institutions. Also vaccine bought out other countries - recently 300 thousand doses were sent to Argentina. Conversations about the "satellite V" are underway for a long time, but do you know why he is named this? It is not difficult to guess that the first part of the name sends us to the USSR space successes in the 1960s. But what about the numbers "v"? Or is it not a digit at all? The head of the Russian Direct Investment Fund Kirill Dmitriev recently revealed the secret.

Why is the Russian vaccine from coronavirus called
Digit "V" in the name of the vaccine - not at all

What does "satellite V" mean?

As soon as the name of the first vaccine from Coronavirus began to appear in news headlines, many people realized that he was named after the first Soviet Space satellite. In 1957, the device "Satellite-1" flew to the orbit of our planet, which was created by the Soviet designer of Rocket and Space systems Sergey Queen and his colleagues. This happened on October 4, which is more famous today as the day of space troops. According to the creators of the vaccine from coronavirus, the first satellite gave impetus to the study of space. Apparently, they also believe that a new vaccine is the same important invention.

Why is the Russian vaccine from coronavirus called
The first artificial satellite was made in the USSR

But this is what the figure "V" still remains a mystery. But during sending hundreds of thousands of doses in Argentina, the head of the Russian Fund of Direct Investments Kirill Dmitriev announced that this letter:

For reference it is worth noting that the letter "V" is usually reduced by the English word "Victory", which is translated as "victory". That is, the creators of the vaccine decided to unite the Heritage of the USSR with a foreign word. Delivery of Vaccine in Argentina was described as a "excellent example of cooperation and a historical moment." As in Russia, the Argentine authorities first want to instill medical workers, and then the turn will reach the police. By March 2021, 10 million people are planned to vaccinate.

Read also: Who is looking for a core from coronavirus and when will the vaccine appear?

Coronavirus Vaccine Safety

At the same time, many people still do not believe in the effectiveness of the vaccine and fear side effects. It was created on an ambulance hand, and the development of any vaccine takes a lot of time. Only vaccine against epidemic vapotitis was created relatively quickly - this process took "only" 4 years. On the official website of the Satellite V vaccine, it was said that it was created on the basis of man's adenoviruses, which significantly speeds up the development. More information about how the coronavirus vaccine works and why many people doubt its effectiveness, you can read in this article.

Why is the Russian vaccine from coronavirus called
Currently voluntary vaccination

Recently, a new Coronavirus mutation was discovered in the UK, which can be increasing by 70%. The disease did not become stronger, but the risk of infection in people has increased significantly. Scientists report that the vaccines created at the moment should continue to protect against it, because the parts of the coronavirus are not exposed to mutations. And today there is a few vaccine today and most of all confidence is the American Pfizer, about which my colleague Lyubov Sokovikova described in detail. You can read her an article on this link.

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However, on our site there is also a detailed article on why precisely vaccines should protect against more infectious coronavirus. Apparently, at least the first half of 2021 may also be difficult, therefore it is very useful information.

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