20+ people told about school rules in which the level of absurdity simply raises


One of the most vivid memories of children's years is the school rules. Some of them were quite understandable, others were attracted to amazement and as if they were specifically created to cause an irrepressive desire to break them. For example, strict hairstyles and incomprehensible clothing requirements. The years pass, the education system is changing, but the mysterious rules do not hurt anywhere to disappear, causing controversies both among students and their parents.

We in adme.ru decided to view posts of users on the Internet, which are talking about the most discouraging schools. With some do not agree not only children, but also the teachers.

"Do you think you have a strict dress code at school? Look at my form. By the way, it is also necessary to stroke her, otherwise I will send me home, wringing a warning "

20+ people told about school rules in which the level of absurdity simply raises 10794_1
© RabidsWordsman / Reddit

The quieter you go, the further you'll get

20+ people told about school rules in which the level of absurdity simply raises 10794_2
© _i_am_a_human / Reddit

"So in my school inspire students to follow the dress code on the graduation ball"

20+ people told about school rules in which the level of absurdity simply raises 10794_3
© 475758937347 / Reddit

"Modest poncho for graduation".

Dangerous toothpicks

20+ people told about school rules in which the level of absurdity simply raises 10794_4
© Jason Ohmann / Quora

"In our school is forbidden to change the picture on the desktop. But no one said anything about the screensaver "

20+ people told about school rules in which the level of absurdity simply raises 10794_5

Toilet quest

20+ people told about school rules in which the level of absurdity simply raises 10794_6
© Chiburger2511 / Reddit

"My old school uniform. Once even wrote a whole essay about what kind of ugly "

20+ people told about school rules in which the level of absurdity simply raises 10794_7
© Liseranthistle / Reddit

No focus

20+ people told about school rules in which the level of absurdity simply raises 10794_8
© TerminatorCom / Reddit

"I had to repaint my hair in a natural color. In our school, it is impossible to use bright paint for hair "

20+ people told about school rules in which the level of absurdity simply raises 10794_9
© sugma_invisible_d *** / reddit

Discrimination of socks

20+ people told about school rules in which the level of absurdity simply raises 10794_10
© Clip_or_WHIP / Reddit

"We are forbidden to wear sports pants at school. Invented how to get around this rule. With these cotton pants color khaki "

20+ people told about school rules in which the level of absurdity simply raises 10794_11
© Thebrax2000 / Reddit

  • Bath, yes, you anarchist! © SHIBEREDDIT / REDDIT

Movement is life!

20+ people told about school rules in which the level of absurdity simply raises 10794_12
© Peter Blesae / Quora

"I'm 23, and I always dreamed of growing a beard. Finally it turned out. And today it will have to shave it - the classes begin at school, and we are prohibited from wearing a beard "

20+ people told about school rules in which the level of absurdity simply raises 10794_13
© alexwilliamns / Reddit

About backpacks and glasses

20+ people told about school rules in which the level of absurdity simply raises 10794_14
© Emily Zhao / Quora

Some school rules put a deadlock

20+ people told about school rules in which the level of absurdity simply raises 10794_15
© Kgnar / Reddit

"Do not drink water."

Indecent clavits

20+ people told about school rules in which the level of absurdity simply raises 10794_16
© Stefanie Viba / Quora

Relieve long nails in school rules can be, but you can not paint them in black

20+ people told about school rules in which the level of absurdity simply raises 10794_17
© Sheeps-For-All / Reddit

About the dangers of mirrors

20+ people told about school rules in which the level of absurdity simply raises 10794_18
© Heidi Geary / Quora

"Received new boots from school"

20+ people told about school rules in which the level of absurdity simply raises 10794_19
© Knyle_64 / Reddit

Do not approach closer

20+ people told about school rules in which the level of absurdity simply raises 10794_20
© Henry McKenna / Quora

"I would have paid better for school lunch, and not got it for free. But according to school rules, I don't even buy another dish. "

20+ people told about school rules in which the level of absurdity simply raises 10794_21
© Kendrick-Holland / Reddit

Weary dress code

20+ people told about school rules in which the level of absurdity simply raises 10794_22
© Thomas Baker / Quora

"In our school it was necessary to briefly cut the nails: when you turn the palm to the opposite side, they should not go beyond the pillows of the fingers"

20+ people told about school rules in which the level of absurdity simply raises 10794_23

"And the haircuts were to be short: no more than 5 cm between the urine of the ears and tips of the hair. Teachers even wore a ruler with them to measure the length. And we had a book "School Rules", which everyone had to know by heart. We even passed the exam on this Talmud. "

"We had toy money at school. Every couple of weeks, the class arranged a fair, where children could earn them. With this currency, you could buy a comment on behavior "

20+ people told about school rules in which the level of absurdity simply raises 10794_24
© Jaume Pica-Prats / Quora

Rule not for all

20+ people told about school rules in which the level of absurdity simply raises 10794_25
© Jason Wan / Quora

"In my school, each student is assigned a personal number. It should be embroidered on the shirt "

20+ people told about school rules in which the level of absurdity simply raises 10794_26
© Sabin Panta / Quora

And what strange rules have you at school? Or maybe at school of your children?

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