How to grow a beautiful money tree: effective tips on the formation of the crown


Good afternoon, my reader. To grow beautiful, and most importantly a healthy monetary tree, it is initially worth it to form.

How to grow a beautiful money tree: effective tips on the formation of the crown 10789_1
How to grow a beautiful money tree: Effective tips on the formation of crown Maria Verbilkova

Despite the fact that the growth of monetary shoots takes place so quickly, it needs to provide a sepure on an ongoing basis. It will help to form a thick crown and a sufficiently strong and powerful Tolstanka trunk.

What is understood under the segmentation process

The pumping process, or pincation, is the removal of a small kidney between the extreme pair of leaves, that is, removing the point of growth of shoots. If you do not make this removal, the branch will grow long, which will not give the shape of the crown to form correctly.

For the first time, the piping of the money tree is made at a young age when its growth falls only on one single trunk. The seedling is performed at an arbitrary height level, where Krona tree will be formed in the near future. If the money tree does not branch, it released only one escape and continued to grow in height, resort to re-pinching until the branch process is launched. Page side shoots follows only when it is formed already 3, and then 4 pairs of leaves.

How to trust Tolstanka

Crop the money tree when it is impossible to remove the growth point, and in that case the tree branch arrives at the help. Special equipment will require a secateur, but you can use ordinary scissors. The unnecessary part of the escape is cut as close as possible to the last pair of leaves, which is being done in order for the tree in the fork there is no hemp. The disinfection means can be cinnamon powder or charcoal (in the scratched form), which should be sideways. Cropped part of the tree can be pasted into the move as cuttings used for further reproduction.

How to grow a beautiful money tree: effective tips on the formation of the crown 10789_2
How to grow a beautiful money tree: Effective tips on the formation of crown Maria Verbilkova

Formation of Tolstanki Barrel: forced need or pattern

The young seedling foliage will grow on the trunk. This part of the plant grows over time in breadth, and the bark on it becomes apparent.

The leaves will gradually disappear, so they do not need to cut or disintegrate, as it does not only introduce the plant into stress, but also increases the risk of planting the tree. At the place where the kidneys are "in hibernation" remain, which in the case of loss of crown can arouse.

Is it possible to create bonsai from Tolstanka

The art of bonsai is the method of bending of wood shoots, and in forced order. After the type of decoration, the shoots will save their shape, and Bonsai will acquire a view of a bent and twisted non-tree tree.

How to grow a beautiful money tree: effective tips on the formation of the crown 10789_3
How to grow a beautiful money tree: Effective tips on the formation of crown Maria Verbilkova

In the case of a monetary tree, this technique will not pass, since its lush and thick branches are red for a long time, and they do not know how to keep the form at all. Something like bonsai techniques can be created when cutting and pinching Tolstanka.

In which capacity is to plant Tolstanka

Roots of money tree are not as deep. The main part of the root system is located under the soil itself, and at a high distance from the trunk. To select the pot, these features should be taken into account and choose broad but shallow packaging.

If you encounter a slow righteousing of money, the problem is most likely in a narrow tank for growing. Tolstanka roots very quickly fill the entire width of the container, which is why the plant does not give young shoots. When buying a wider pot your money tree will continue to grow. Young seedlings more correctly replant with periodicity 1-2 times a year. Their root system is actively growing, while more adult plants are not needed such frequent reset, they will be enough one to two times a year.

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