How to efficiently get rid of the currant buds


Good afternoon, my reader. Currant, like any other fruit shrub, is subjected to insect pest attacks. One of the most dangerous - koke tick. If you do not take measures to combat it on time, the plant will perish.

How to efficiently get rid of the currant buds 10756_1
How to efficiently get rid of the currant buds of Maria Verbilkova

Most often, the tick amazes black currant. The first sign of the defeat is enlarged kidneys, they can achieve the size of a large pea. In the infancy of escape, up to 7 thousand insects at the same time.

They winter in the renal meetings, editions of shoots or leaves. Hiding there from low temperatures and high humidity. When the flowering period comes, such education is faded. The females are chosen out, looking for young shoots and riot of leaves, lay eggs. Before the autumn, 3 thousand generations are possible.

The insect can weaken and destroy the whole bush, and then move to a new one. Also, ticks are carriers of hazardous infectious and viral diseases. For example, terrain.

Weakened plants are subjected to attacks and other pests: grain, grazers, glassnicels.

To save currants from the budding tick, it is important to detect it in a timely manner and regularly process the shrub of various drugs.

The following preventive measures will be made to effectively combat pests:

  1. Careful inspection of currant bushes in the spring, removing the arms of affected kidneys and shoots.
  2. Compliance with agrotechnology.
  3. Processing bushes in the autumn and spring periods.

In the fall, carefully remove the entire foliage from under the bush. Then the beds are freed from weeds. During the rescue of the Earth, the bushes add granular mineral fertilizers. They increase the immunity of the plant.

Next, plants are treated with special prepared preparations from ticks.

In the spring, when detecting contaminated kidneys or shoots, they are immediately removed along with the branch on which they are. The likelihood is high that the tick moved already at her.

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How to efficiently get rid of the currant buds of Maria Verbilkova

Remote parts are burning, preventing the further spread of pests. Currant is treated with fungicides: "phytodeterm" or "acarin". With a strong lesion, it is resorted to chemical compositions: a tedion, ester sulfonate, a suspension of colloidal sulfur. Preparations are bred in water according to the instructions and spray plants 3 times per season.

Spring use hormonal acaricidal agents. Since at this time the mass active migration of ticks from faded kidneys on young shoots begins. The pests are most vulnerable, struggling with them using non-systemic drugs: "Envord", Forebide 4F, Oberon. Spraying spend 2 times per season with an interval of 10 days.

In the fight against the currant buds, infusions are used on the basis of:

  • tobacco;
  • onion husk;
  • potato tops;
  • garlic.

For the preparation of a potato topper need:

  • Top - 3 kg;
  • Water - 10 liters.

The components are mixed and left to appease in a closed container for 6 hours. Then fillarly filtered, bred by water in a 2: 1 ratio and spray currant bushes.

How to efficiently get rid of the currant buds 10756_3
How to efficiently get rid of the currant buds of Maria Verbilkova

To reduce the likelihood of the attack of the kidney tick, choose varieties of currant with high resistance to it:

  • Minx;
  • Irmanine;
  • Michurina's memory;
  • Belarusian sweet;
  • Leningrad Giant;
  • Nara;
  • Orlovskaya serenade.

In nurseries there are varieties of Russian, Belarusian, Polish breeding. They select those plants that are suitable for cultivation in a particular region.

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