DANGER: 3 breakfasts that are mistakenly considered useful


Harmful breakfast products

Fried eggs for breakfast

Eggs for breakfast are really one of the most useful breakfast options, they are able to satisfy and provide all the useful substances that are necessary for the active start of the day. They contain useful fats, vitamins and trace elements.

But there is one but! Nutritionists do not recommend them to fry on the oil, since at high temperatures it is oxidized, highlighting harmful substances. Moreover, it does not matter what - olive, high-quality oil or GCH oil, which is so loved by Aüverda.

It is better to use eggs for breakfast in the form of a paшota, boiled screwed or cooked in a frying pan with a non-stick coating.

Smoothie for breakfast

Recently, many instagram bloggers began to lay out posts with fashionable smoothies-pools for breakfast.

Yes, they face aesthetically look in the photo, but almost useless!

Of course, they are much more useful than coffee with a cake, but still fruits - not the best option for breakfast, despite their favor.

And all because fruits are fast carbohydrates, after which you want to eat in an hour. In addition, such a smoothie provokes a sharp jump in blood sugar, and then there will be a sharp decline that will cause an attack of hunger. This effect does not apply to the formation of rapid metabolism for weight loss!

Due to the large amount of sugar, the skin can be mounted on the face, inflammatory elements, acne, black dots appear, and there is also a problem with overweight.

By the way, from excess weight you can get rid of efficient interval fasting.

DANGER: 3 breakfasts that are mistakenly considered useful 10745_1

Degreased yogurt or cottage cheese for breakfast

In modern times, everyone wants to be slim, so many are preferred by non-fascinated products. It also applies to fermented milk products!

Buying yogurt or cottage cheese, we used to look at the percentage of fatty, ignoring the benefit. However, low-fat products often carry more harm than their necessary options.

From natural milk it is impossible to make a product without fat, so it is artificially degreased. And along with degreasing, there is a commodity look and taste.

To fix it in the first case, the starch, dyes and preservatives are added, and in the second - sugar. Naturally, extra calories appear and hunger appears quickly.

Therefore, choosing cottage cheese for breakfast, take 5%, it will bring more benefits and will be saturated for a long time than low-fat.

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