Pandemic "ruined" the budget of the regions: the expert told how this will affect the construction


Pandemic and reduced oil prices led to a sharp decrease in the income of regional budgets due to a decrease in tax revenues. According to the Treasury, in 58 of 85 regions of Russia in 2020, a budget deficit was recorded. The expert told if it would affect the rates of the construction of infrastructure and residential buildings in the country.

"In the framework of the current practice, regional budgets, as a rule, are involved in the financing of the construction of infrastructure facilities for the territories of residential building, or do not participate at all. Until recently, the developers built objects at their own expense and included their costs per square meter. In recent years, the Government of Russia has implemented the mechanisms of direct financing of construction or subsequent redemption of the object after commissioning. Money for the construction of objects of socio-cultural infrastructure "come" to the regions as part of the distribution of federal budget funds for the implementation of activities of national and federal projects, "says Anton Frost, Vice-President Nostroy.

In addition, the expert says, infrastructure facilities in the territories of residential building are erected on the means of the "Stimulus" program, the operator of which is "House.rf". But it is worth noting that this practice is not common in the whole country. According to Nostroy, the mechanisms of financing or repurchase are introduced in less than half of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

"In parallel, the government adopted another mode of support - subsidizing the rates on loans to developers to create infrastructure facilities up to 3% per annum. Measure is designed to reduce the financial burden on developers and prevent the cost of housing in Russian cities. Thus, it can be concluded that the reduction of regional budgets should not touch the volumes of current and prospective construction. For housing construction, the improvement of market (banking) financing mechanisms is more important, "says Anton Frost.

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Pandemic "ruined" the budget of the regions: the expert told how this will affect the construction

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