Timely feeding - a pledge of a good strawberry harvest


    Good afternoon, my reader. Strawberry we love for many qualities. But especially for the fact that this is one of the first berries that you can try in my garden after a long winter. It contains many vitamins and nutrients. The secret of growing berries and a large harvest - in regular feeding.

    Timely feeding - a pledge of a good strawberry harvest 10721_1
    Timely feeding - the key to the good harvest of strawberries Maria Verbilkova

    Strawberry feeding. (Photo used by standard license © ogorodnye-shpargalki.ru)

    The first root feeder is carried out early in spring, immediately after the snow. In April, it is important to choose fertilizers that contribute to the growth of shoots. First of all, feeders containing nitrogen are suitable for this. In order for the useful substances to be quickly absorbed into the soil, it is necessary to clean it well from last year's foliage and old grass. Flush the earth, make sure there is no mink rodents. As feeding in the spring, integrated organic or mineral fertilizers can be used. Especially during this period, the plant needs nitrogen. Alternatively, you can use nitroammophos.

    From organic fertilizers, influence the formation and growth of lush healthy strawberry bushes can be baptized. It contains potassium and nitrogen, calcium, magnesium, organic acids and other substances necessary for growth, flowering and ripening fruit.

    Timely feeding - a pledge of a good strawberry harvest 10721_2
    Timely feeding - the key to the good harvest of strawberries Maria Verbilkova

    Strawberry. (Photo used by standard license © ogorodnye-shpargalki.ru)

    Traditionally, experienced gardeners feed strawberries with infusion of chicken litter. Prepare it in advance, insist in a barrel with water. There you can add nettle and bread. Let it breed 5-7 days. Dilute this mixture with water and water. Such feeding is good during flowering.

    When the first berries appear, the strawberry adopt the influence of ash.

    In the fall, extractive feeding should be more organic, without nitrogen (after all, it contributes to the set of green mass, and in the fall it is nothing). Potash or chlorine-containing fertilizers will be better. Just remember that they should be laid between rows of bushes. And then it is good to pour. Useful substances will fall into the soil and enrich it, without damaging the roots of the plant.

    Most often this spraying.

    The brown shade of the leaves says that the plant lacks potassium. To feed it, at the first signs of potash fasting, or spray the potash saltper with a solution according to the instructions.

    At the beginning of flowering, strawberries can be sprayed with epin solution. It will give the plant extra forces for flowering. Also during flowering, spray berry bushes with sweet water. This will attract bees for better pollination.

    Any extra-corner feeding to do it better in the morning or in the evening so that the sun does not burn leaves and flowers.

    Replanting bushes, it is important to feed young plants. In the well, you can add overworked manure or complex mineral fertilizer, specially intended for strawberry. Add wood ash and for the next seven days to provide a good watering with a good strawberry. Young bushes need to be poured and loosen. They need free space and fresh air. Therefore, it is not surprising that on the stirring beds of strawberries blooms badly and the berry is fine. When loosening, you can add wood ashes and mineral fertilizers for good survival.

    Timely feeding - a pledge of a good strawberry harvest 10721_3
    Timely feeding - the key to the good harvest of strawberries Maria Verbilkova

    Strawberry transplantation. (Photo used by standard license © ogorodnye-shpargalki.ru)

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