"Girls with Makarov." "Interns", but about the police


On March 9, 2021, a comedy TV series "Girls with Makarov" will begin on TV channel, on which the Scriptures of Anton Morozenko, Ilya Ilyaat and Alexey Svethev worked on "Interns". The new project will tell about the head of the criminal investigation department, which needs to make real police from four girls.

Major Pavel Makarov (Pavel Mikov) is an experienced policeman. He does not give criminals a descent, knows how to disclose complex things and work with people. One day, instead of the team of the Opera, with whom he used to work, under the command of Makarov were four girls, a police school graduates.

Meet Anna (Alevtina Tukan) - a formalist and a bore, similar to a mature Galina Sergeevna from "father's daughters". Katya (Valery Astapova) is a glamorous girl who thinks about restaurants, not about criminals, and hides from his club-girlfriends, which works in organs. Olesya (Elena Polyanskaya) - Young and not by year naive single mother. Finally, Sasha (Vlad Yermolaeva) - Patzanka, Sambo and shooting champion.

Vlada Yermolaeva, Alevtina Tukan, Elena Polyanskaya and Valeria Astapova in the series "Girls with Makarov"

Anton Morozenko, Ilya Ilyaat and Alexey Svethev, who previously gave us "Interns", were the scenarios of the series, which had previously gave us "Interns". The series is based on the same scheme as in the "Interns": the ironic and harmful chief distributes four obtuses-subordinate tasks, sweats from how they do not cope with the work, and invents them a punishment for failure. Of course, Pavel Mikov is not Ivan Okhlobystin, but before Makarov and not worth the task of becoming a new Dr. Bykov. He has his own, more severe, male charm.

Pavel Mikov in the series "Girls with Makarov"

As in the "Policeman from the ruble", the Guidelines of the order in the "Girls with Makarov" project do not claim to realistically display the activities of police officers. As in the recent "dildhas", the leitmotif of the project seems to be a re-education of a sexist and a chauvinist. As well as repeatedly mentioned above, "Interns", this series can be a good springboard for a career who are not involved, but not deprived of the actress talent.

The series "Girls with Makarov" looks like a tea with lemon - thoroughly quenched thirst (humor), although someone can get to freeze.

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