"I give you your eldest son." Viktor Lukashenko became president of the National Olympic Committee


Today, the National Olympic Committee hosts a meeting under the guidance of his president. The main topics are several. One of them is the preparation of Belarusian athletes for the summer Olympic Games in Tokyo (which, most likely, will be held in July-August). Another topic is personnel. Yesterday it was reported about the intention to hold elections and appoint a new head of the NOC.

At the meeting, for various reasons, all Olympic champions and famous athletes of Belarus cannot be present. On this occasion, Alexander Lukashenko recalled that "in the treacherousness of the Motherland, you will not build happiness," clarifies the "pool of the first".

"The sponsors do not regret the rocking of society," said Alexander Lukashenko. And noted that some athletes were tightened into this funnel, "mostly former". - those whom our coaches in sports schools are so carefully raised. Those who have been created absolutely all the conditions for combining studies and training in the schools of the Olympic reserve and universities. Those who gave the opportunity to play sports professionally without being distracted by domestic issues. Our best doctors treated them for free from injury. And even at disqualification, we did not throw them. And now they are in adoptive international organizations, issuing sanctions against our Olympic movement, and the country as a whole.

Lukashenko stressed that it was from their submission to Belarus that the World Hockey Championships and modern pentathlon were lost, and they were "received their 30 Srebrenikov."

- But we will all be survived. I do not think that we are something catastrophically lost here. I will say one thing: on the betrayal of the birthplace of happiness you will not build. Ok, God's judge.

Otherwise, in the hall is very representative. BelTA clarifies that all sports public organizations are presented, there are coaches, athletes, director of republican centers of Olympic training, deputy governors, heads of government agencies and organizations that provide practical assistance to various types of sports.

The Secretary General of the NOC Polina Golovin initially proposed two candidates for the post of Secretary General of the NOC - Alexander Lukashenko and Viktor Lukashenko. "There were proposals on two candidates," she said, BelTA reports.

- If two candidates are offered, for me this is news. I thought you would come out with one. I did not plan to be elected for the next time the head of the Olympic Committee. I will ask you if it suits you, I give you your eldest son. I promise that theft, corruption, misuse of money will not be. And the attitude towards athletes and coaches will be the most kind. As for me, I still do not leave anywhere from sports questions, "said Alexander Lukashenko.

- I think that for you too will be benefit. Still, the Son will always say his father at any time about a particular problem. I think of this, too, you can learn some positive things, "said Alexander Lukashenko. - And most importantly, a lot you hear conversations: the transit of power, here is now Lukashenko, the older will give the power, he will rule in the country. I often said that in our family it was never discussed and cannot be discussed. Because none of my child will be president in Belarus will not be after me. And Victor, if you choose it, will not be a civil servant. It will be fired today from the post of assistant president of national security with all the consequences that arise from here. I do not press you and do not insist. This is your choice.

Discusing the prospects, Nok chose a new president.

From April 2019, Viktor Lukashenko served as the first vice-president of Nok.

Alexander Lukashenko was the president of Nok since May 1997.

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