Forty-forty: Finger games for kids


What is a finger gymnastics?

This is a set of simple exercises that kid can perform hands. This is usually done under a cheerful poetic promotion. You can do our finger gymnastics from birth, but it is most relevant for children from year to 3-4 years.

What is useful to finger gymnastics?

This is a workout of small motility, from which it depends on not all in the further development of the child, then a lot. It helps the development of speech, improves memory, prepares hand to the letter, gives an account skills. In the end, it is just a way to have fun and with benefit to spend time, raise the mood of yourself and the child and learn a few funny risks.

When to do a finger gymnastics?

Anytime. For a baby, it may be, for example, part of the massage, when you, stroking his fingers, bending and flexing them, repeat the poem. For a child, older it can be a break in the game or creative lesson, when it is time to rest, warm up, switch attention.

How to play?

Pronunciation text clearly and with an expression so that the kid follows the intonation, voice volume. Be sure to show all the movements so that the child can repeat you. Responding to what the baby does - suggest, if necessary, smile in response to his efforts, praised not only for a successful repetition, but also for every attempt.

Alex Green / Pexels
ALEX GREEN / PEXELS Examples "Winter Walk"

Once, two, three, four, five, (in turn, bend your fingers)

We went to the courtyard to walk. ("We go" middle and index fingers)

Baby Snowy Lepii, (Lepim's palms) snow)

Bird crumbs fed, ("raw" crumbs with fingers of both hands)

From the slides, we then rode, (the tilt of the hand is depicting the rolling down)

And in the snow were lying. (I turn the palms up, then down)

Everyone in the snow came home, (shake the palm)

Ate the soup ("score" with a spoon soup and tray to the mouth)

And sleep easily. (fold hands on the cheek)

"Family of fingers"

Squeeze the cams. Alternately spend your fingers and massaging them.

This finger - grandfather, (westing the thumb)

This finger is a grandmother, (weighed the index finger)

This finger - daddy, (extend the middle finger)

This finger is mommy, (Intripping the ring finger)

Well, this finger - me. (Intripping your little finger)

That's my whole family. (squeeze and sprinkle a fist several times)

"Days of the week"

On Monday I was washing, (three cams for each other)

And on Tuesday swept, the hands of the hands right and left)

On Wednesday I baked Kalach, (Lepim's palms)

And on Thursday I was looking for a ball, (we put a hand visor on the forehead and look at different directions)

The cups on Friday washed, (the fingers of one hand bend in a circle, making a cup, and the index finger of another hand as if her "mine")

And on Saturday, the cake bought, (we connect the hands with open palms up)

All girlfriends on Sunday called for a birthday. (Masha's hands, as if when looking for to him)

Photo by Rodnae Productions: pexels

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