Parents of the boys drowning in the Ventspils Basin faces the prison: they did not inform the compensation received

Parents of the boys drowning in the Ventspils Basin faces the prison: they did not inform the compensation received 1067_1

The parents of a boy, drowned in 2017 to the Ventspilsa Baby, threatens imprisonment for undetectured compensation received, reports the program TV3 Nekā Personīga.

They are accused of applying material damage to Latvia. The declaration can be added for another year, but the parents of the deceased child want to bring under criminal punishment now, the program reports. Nekā Personīga reminds that the victims with a lawyer were offered to conclude a compensation agreement with the Olympic Center. The municipality agreed. The contract was confidential. The father of the drowned boy recognizes that the arrangements were fulfilled and their rights were not violated.

In the summer of 2018, compensation was paid. In 2019, parents submitted their annual declarations last year to the state revenue service, but did not indicate a fee from the Olympic Center.

According to the law, agreements on the payment of compensation concluded within the framework of criminal proceedings are not subject to any taxes. In addition, the SRS can complement or correct income reports over the next three years.


In this case, the father and mother of the boy can fix the declarations and indicate the money received from the Olympic center until the summer of 2022.

In March of this year, the parents of the deceased boy received an agenda from investigators that the Father and Mother are suspects in a criminal case. It turned out that investigators requested several times about compensation for the municipality. Without informing the parents, their bank statements were requested and investigated.

Investigators decided that the size of unlaced compensation exceeds 10,000 euros, therefore, article 219 of the criminal law was applied to both parents, which, for providing false information in the declaration in a large volume, could even be in prison.

As the program informs, both parents have been recognized as suspects for several days. For several days, the case was transferred to the prosecutor's office, and now accusations are already charged both parents. They face up to two years in prison.

The prosecutor's office planned to demand for suspected six-month imprisonment conditionally. Prosecutor Ruta Leucavniece refused to comment. The SRS also indicate that nothing can be commenting, because the case is conducted by the prosecutor's office.

Parents of the deceased boy have already filed amendments to the declaration, which also included compensation.

On October 4, 2017, a four-year-old boy died in a small basin of the Ventspils Park of Water Adventures during swimming time. Currently, the prosecutor's office conveyed a criminal case against the former Director of the Ventspils Sports School SPARS Viktor Zueva on the fact of the death of a four-year-old boy.

The case was transferred to the Kurzeme district court. Murder by negligence can lead to imprisonment for up to five years or forced work.

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