"Mom cried and begged to dress up." Belarusians built an unusual home: Walls of straw, furniture from IKEA


Many have heard about the amicable construction of houses from straw, but it did not discharge much popular among Belarusians. Well, who in the right mind will intend to such an adventure? Is that sewing hippies that deny all the achievements of civilization. Eduard and Maria, apparently, were an exception to the rules. They were all like people: stable work, a pretty studio apartment in Minsk. But one day they were psychoduli: bought a plot outside the city and decided to build a house from straw on it. Parents called and in tears begged the guys not to do this, but Edik and Masha were firm in their decision. The house, however, turned out quite cute, more similar to the fashionable scandinavian skewers to the currently fashionable volume than on the dwelling of the Nif-Nif piglery. And the "communal" came out lower than in the apartment.

Recently, the guys moved to Poland and passed the house from straw to their friends. For three months of an unusually cold winter, new tenants took 100 rubles for heating and hot water. Onliner talked to the owners of the house and tenants about whether it was difficult to build it and what to live in it. We tell about everything in order.

Call to Poland.

We communicated with the owners of the house: now they live and work in Wroclaw, bring up a little daughter. And the straw house, which remained from them in Belarus, is rooted back in 2015, when the guys just met and found that Odushka-Studio in Minsk is not the limit of their mutual dreams.

"This is a common desire," says Maria. - Any person from a stuffy megalpolis pulls to Earth, calm, country life. But in order to build a country house, you need a lot of money, or direct hands and readiness a lot of time to invest in this construction. I saw that Edik was very sleeves, could build, he likes it. And we attached that we should get.

Wheel 2016, when the guys chose the site, found the Scandinavian project of the house on the Internet, slightly redesigned him to their taste and poured the foundation of the future dwelling. On the recommendation, he was untouched by half a year.

Photo: Archive of heroes

"We were not in a hurry, and there was no money especially to build the whole house from the dock," Eduard recalls. - Masha works in IT, I am the adjuster of CNC machines, but it was not easy to finance the construction. And when we were advised not to touch the foundation first, so that he gave the shrinkage, we gave him to overrevat, and at that time we worked without weekends to make money.

Straw technology

The technology of straw housekeeping is largely reminiscent of the frame. But there are significant differences. First, instead of stone or mineral wool, more eco-friendly straw is used. Secondly, the straw walls breathe, they pass warm and moisture, and they are not "thermos", as in the case of a skewer. Therefore, the straw house does not need to be forced to ventilate and do completely sealed. But at the same time it is very warm and energy efficient.

Photo: Archive of heroes

- At first we wanted to build a brick house, "Mary continues," but, firstly, it is expensive, and secondly, in the brick house we lived in the city and understood that it was still not very comfortable: the air is dry, unhealthy. They considered the sander, but read about OSB-slabs, formaldehyde, which they allocate, and decided that if we build a country house, then it was better to breathe in it with a better air, and not that all.

- Once my mother called me and said Navrian: "Masha, what are you doing? Dream, children, God forbid, this is how much money! " She cried, because he understood that he could not affect our decision, and for her it was equivalent to the step in the abyss. Since then, parents, coming to us, then and then exclaimed: "How good is yours!"

The guys ordered the straw blocks, the contractor brought them to the site and helped build the walls of them. Further the case was for small - cover the frame and start finishing. At least it seemed like a young family when she began to work. Now the spouses understand that due to excessive zeal, some miscalculations made and built more than what could do cheaper.

- It was necessary to spoon $ 1500 at the initial stage and order a constructive project of the house so that it was clear how and what to build it, "the guys say. - And we, without having experience, paid $ 100 and got a set of pictures and a pair of drawings. It seemed that in the course of the case, everything would come up with. And it turned out more than if we thought everything in advance. For example, we have a non-standard shape and size of the house, so I had to order rafting farms, and they cost more than standard roofing solutions.

Another difference between the straw sander from the usual lies in the fact that it is not sewn by sheets of plywood, but they are deceived by clay plaster. At this place, many in front of the eyes will have a stereotypical picture with an orpower, but the house of Edward and Mary has nothing to do with it. According to the spouses, the clay plaster levels the wall is not worse than the usual, only to dry it longer, put in three layers and put the same clay, mixed on the smallest sand.

Photo: Archive of heroes

"We put the plaster for a very long time, because at some point Masha got pregnant and could not work anymore, and I had to do everything myself," Eduard continues. - And since the clay plaster dries a long time and the amount of work is quite large, it left all 2018.

But the clay helped save money on finishing work - all the plaster cost only $ 150. The guys just bought the clay truck on the brick factory and knead it with the sand of a different fraction.

- According to the technology, the clay plaster should be on both sides of the wall, - add spouses. - Outside, we closed the straw clay and separated by the board. There was no need to do perfectly smooth walls, so we limited to a layer of 2-3 cm. From the inside clay put in several layers: first kneaded with rough sand, then - with smaller, and as a putty lay a layer, kneaded with the sand fractions. As a result, it turns out a layer of clay with a thickness of 5 cm and completely smooth walls.

Photo: Archive of heroes

The final thickness of the wall was 55 cm: 45 of them went to the frame with a straw insulation, the exterior plaster added another 2-3 cm, internal - 5 cm. The rest is a decorative finish.

Prices, deadlines, pros and cons

At first, the guys led the estimate, but then they abandoned this case and in the end they could not even call the approximate cost of their construction site. Moreover, she was underway for three years, for which prices for building materials and the dollar rate had time to change several times.

- The straw house has an average price. The blocks of straw were equal at the cost of a gas-silicate, which we would use for the construction of such a house, clarify the spouses. - And all the other elements are the pile-painting foundation, the rafter system and roofing - the same as in any sander: they do not differ in price, nor in essence.

Eduard and Maria say that the construction technology is particularly difficult to call, but specialists in straw houses in Belarus are quite a bit, and, as any exclusive, their work is expensive, so people with average sufficient have to count only on their strength.

- Despite the fact that we sked somewhere, somewhere overpaid, we never regretted that we chose that the straw technology was chosen. The microclimate in the house is simply chic, no ventilation is needed, - they assure the guys. - Does not dry, hair does not electrify. We stopped using a moisturizer and car wash that we constantly worked in the apartment. In winter, the house is warm, in the summer cool. At the same time, we counted the costs of a communal service, and it came out that in a month in a 100-meter house we pay as much as we paid in the 40-meter one-hour studio. True, the past winter was very warm, and this winter there were already lived our friends.

The straw homes are not as fast as sander, but to spend three years on their construction, as our heroes have done, not necessarily. Walls made of straw blocks are built in a couple of days, a rafter system - in a few hours. The most time went to work that the owners were performed manually on weekends.

Photo: Archive of heroes

But about the interior, our heroes were not bored: they took the IKEA ready-made solutions and embodied. And even the partitions inside were placed so that the "Ikeevskaya" furniture was perfectly fitted in a given geometry. And the color and texture of the walls were chosen according to the principle of "Like - I don't like".

- As soon as the house was ready for the necessary minimum amenities, we drove and continued to repair in a relaxed mode, "says Maria. - But, unfortunately, did not have time to bring the interior to the final: somewhere thought out, but the storage systems are not embodied, somewhere there are not enough lamps, somewhere - the plinth. But I was offered a remocate, and we decided to try ourselves abroad.

- What is happening at our home, in the homeland, has become a certain impetus, - Eduard answers the question of politics. - In addition, I always wanted to try that there is abroad. And so there was such an opportunity. Now we live in Wroclaw. Masha continues to work in the same place, where he worked, and I easily employed in a specialty. But we do not exclude that after some time will return to Minsk. Very miss the house.

New tenants and "communal" in a lute winter

From mid-January, new tenants appeared in the house - Alexey and Tatiana with a small son Petei. Before that, they removed the apartment in Zhdanovichi, in the column behind the ring. But, leaving abroad, Edward and Maria offered them their home for the same rental rate, and the spouses agreed without thinking.

"They didn't want to pass someone else's people," says Alexey. - But at the same time did not want the house to be empty, did not hear and came into disrepair. Therefore, they offered it to us.

Winter here went very comfortable. There are no radiators in the house, a water warm floor is laid around the perimeter, which heats up from the gas boiler. But all this works without a ventilation and thermostat system: it is impossible to set the desired temperature once and forget about it. When the weather changed, we twisted the handle and opened the window, trying to maintain a temperature of 22 ° С. When rose to 24 ° C, it became hot.

The heating capacity of the house through the warm floor is regulated by the pump: the more water pressure, the higher the air temperature. You need to get used to such a system for adjusting the temperature: twist the valve and only after a couple of hours you get the result. But despite the absence of a thermostat, experiments with a pump and an open window, the cost of heating home and water heating into this juddy winter turned out to be surprisingly modest. And even more modest than in the apartment.

"The guys paid for gas before leaving, December 17," Alexey continues. - For the three coldest months we spent 760 cubes of gas to heating and heating water and paid 103 rubles for it. At the same time, the area of ​​the house is about 100 "squares", and the height of the ceilings is almost 3 meters, that is, it accounts for significantly more than air than in the apartment of the same time.

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