Burvotching on the lake bath: National Project opened new opportunities for leisure

Burvotching on the lake bath: National Project opened new opportunities for leisure 1065_1

More than 140 million rubles will be directed to the objects of improvement in the city of Karasuke and Kuibyshev Novosibirsk region, which became winners of the All-Russian competition of the best projects for creating a comfortable urban environment as part of the implementation of the national project "Housing and the City Wednesday".

Design and estimate documentation (PSD) of the Winners of the All-Russian Competition was approved on February 10 at a meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission for the Coordination of Activities in the framework of the implementation of the Federal Project "Formation of a Comfortable Urban Environment".

"In December 2020, an agreement was signed between the Government of the Novosibirsk Region and the Ministry of Travel of Russia to provide the regional budget of the transfer in the amount of 140 million rubles for the implementation of projects of improvement in the city of Karasuke and Kuibyshev who won the federal competition. The regional budget will also allocate additional funds for their implementation, "the Minister of Housing and Communal Services and Energy of the Novosibirsk Region Denis Arkhipov said.

In Karasuk, a project for the formation of the territorial health natural complex "Savka" will be implemented. According to design and estimate documentation, on the territory of Oz. The bath will be created infrastructure for recreation on water, including observations of a rare bird Sawki (Berdvaching), who lives in the territory of the Karasuk district, as well as for sailing. Within the framework of the project, work will be carried out on the booreguing, a device of pierces, landscaping, lighting, it is supposed to create a platform for events, the construction of pavilions for recreation and improvement of the square in front of the house of culture. The multifunctional territory will be adapted for vacationers of all ages, as well as citizens with disabilities.

In Kuibyshev, the project involves the improvement of the central square on the basis of the disclosure of the merchant history of the city - cultural and historical topics is used in the organization of zoning area, design of the tile area and pergola (decorative element for curly plants). The graphic forms of design elements were borrowed from the facade decor of the house of the famous merchant Maslov. For mass events in the area, a device of scene and shadow canopies are proposed. It is also planned to create a fountain.

As the region explained in the Ministry of Combating Housing and Energy of the region, during the Commission's meeting, suggestions were made to improve the comfort and safety of public spaces. Main works at facilities in Karasuke and Kuibyshev must be completed by November 1, 2021.

For reference:

The goal of the project "Formation of a comfortable urban environment", approved by the Presidium of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Strategic Development and Priority Projects, is to create conditions for systemic improvement in the quality and comfort of the urban environment throughout the country. Since 2019, this project is part of the national project "Housing and the City Wednesday", implemented in Russia in accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin from May 7, 2018 No. 204 "On the national goals and strategic tasks of the development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024 "

Detailed information can be found on the official website National projects. RF

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