So that the skils are always complete. How to increase the yield of potatoes?


    Good afternoon, my reader. RUSSIAN DRIANS AND SWITEZARSKY SOLUTS, puree, cream soups, salads, chips, casseroles - Here is a small list of dishes in which potatoes acts as the main ingredient. Especially tasty, these treaties will seem like culinary crewing of the crop nutritious tubers with their own beds. This is discussed in our article - not about harvesting, of course, but about its cultivation. Compliance with the recommendations presented below will help stimulate the growth of the root potato root system and the formation of tubers, which means to increase the yield of the plant.

    So that the skils are always complete. How to increase the yield of potatoes? 1064_1
    So that the skils are always complete. How to increase the yield of potatoes? Maria Verbilkova

    Potatoes. (Photo used by standard license ©

    For years to grow potatoes in the same place - a flexible undertaking. Change the location of the landing should not less often than once every 3-4 years. It is impossible to plant potatoes where tomatoes were bred - both cultures belong to the Polenic family and suffer from one set of diseases. Loves potatoes "replace the post" onions, radishes, cabbage, beans, garlic and green peas.

    If the soil is available at the disposal is filled with moisture, plant culture should be placed on the elevation. On the contrary, in the lowland, potatoes should be planted if the soil is dry or inclined to drain. Located on the elevation of bushes will be able to not be afraid of flooding, but growing in the lowland will be easier to get to groundwater. It will not be difficult for them and the consumption of nutrients necessary to increase the volume of tubers.

    Potatoes loves a good soil, so fertilizers in the soil intended for landing are usually brought to increase its fertile qualities. So, the compositions containing potassium and nitrogen will be useful. You can use the organic organics - the seedlings grown on the revival or compost will delight you with a harvest of delicious large tubers.

    There is a culture and "sworn enemy" - it is impossible to bring fresh manure to intended for breeding potatoes. Such feeding reduces the yield of bushes, worsens the taste of fruits, and can also cause contamination of the part of the pass.

    So that the skils are always complete. How to increase the yield of potatoes? 1064_2
    So that the skils are always complete. How to increase the yield of potatoes? Maria Verbilkova

    Potato fertilizer. (Photo used by standard license ©

    You can sprinkle ashes. Three hundred grams per square meter of plantations will be enough to increase the yield of plants.

    The clubs themselves before landing should also be processed. Usually they are cut in pressure, leaving 2-3 eyes on each hemisphere. After that, the potatoes were left half an hour in a special solution, the recipe for the preparation of which is described below. This tool provides plants with pest protection, and also saturates tubers beneficial to grow and develop substances.

    • In 11 liters of water (this is exactly the quantity it is worth taking 20 halves) to dissolve a teaspoon of a burgue mixture.
    • Add half a cup of ash and a teaspoon of boric acid, mix.
    • Top potassium permanganate (manganese) until the liquid acquires a pinkish shade.

    After processing, the planting material follows for a while to postpone. After the tuber's sides finally descend, you can start landing.

    It has long been a culture in the soil planted after the first kidneys bloomed on Berezia. If there are no snow-white in the tree strip in the district, or you do not trust the signs, you can be guided by another rule - start landing when the soil warms up by 6-7 ° C to a depth of 10 centimeters. And it is better to post a little more and start digging the beds when the soil temperature rises by three more degrees.

    So that the skils are always complete. How to increase the yield of potatoes? 1064_3
    So that the skils are always complete. How to increase the yield of potatoes? Maria Verbilkova

    Potatoes. (Photo used by standard license ©

    Planting potatoes follow rows. The distance between the ridges should be at least half a meter. For the middle and middle-varieties of potatoes, this number should be increased to 60-70 centimeters. The gaps between the wells for early varieties should be 25-35 centimeters, for later - 35-40 centimeters.

    In each landing point before the start of the procedure, ammophos are placed. Solves of tubers in the soil are laying down down. It is usually placed at a depth of 5-6 centimeters - a larger distance to the spacins will be difficult to overcome. Upon completion of the landing, the holes fall asleep so that small elevations are formed on top.

    If on the site you plan to breed several varieties of culture, during the landing they should be distinguished by other plants. It is recommended to use the beans for this purpose - it will not only burst the bushes from each other, but will provide them with protection from the wireman.

    Plugging prevents the appearance of weed plants, protects the potatoes from the cold. In addition, in the process of enclosure, the gardeners cannot avoid soil loosenings, and this culture operation will only benefit.

    It is necessary to impair potatoes before the start of the launch of buds - you can proceed to this procedure when the height of the seedlings reach 14-20 centimeters. After the first time, wait 2-3 weeks and repeat the procedure. Ideal for carrying out the operation, cloudy weather is suitable - wet soil is better holding a form, and it is easier to work with it.

    During flowering, most of the potato forces goes directly to the ovary of buds, while these resources could go on the formation of a powerful root system and the planting of nutritional tubers. For this reason, many gardeners recommend to break inflorescences - flowering bushes bring 20-25% less crop than those that were subjected to such "vandalism". This is due to the fact that the buds spend about a quarter of the beneficial substances, another 25% remains in the stems, and less than half do the plant roots.

    This article will not cost and without a description of fertilizers. Those who wish to quickly get a rich harvest we can recommend the help of stimulants - these compositions, falling into the insides of the green organism, are naturally included in the exchange of substances, increase the pace of development of the plant and affect its yield.

    It is possible in the process of growing potatoes to use highly active means "Urgas", "SuperComporce Pizes" and the complex fertilizer of Kemira. Everything is good in moderation - it is not necessary to resist the help of the listed compositions. Even with a small amount of plants at the end of the season will be able to surprise you with a rich harvest of large nutritious tubers.

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