9 unexpected signs of what you are smarter than you think


It is possible to determine the smart man or not, it is possible in different ways: with the help of special tests, by the number of red diplomas or simply intuitive. Scientists of different countries have long watched people and revealed several signs that are characteristic of personalities whose mental potential is higher than that of the others.

We have read all these studies in adme.ru and realized that many of us are smarter than our ourselves. At least, if you believe scientists.

Avoid categorical statements

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The famous phrase Socrates "I know that I don't know anything" I found my development in the so-called Dunning effect - Kruger. True smart people try not to assert anything manifestation. If you hear that someone uses in its speech design like "in most cases", "often", "as a rule", "it is believed that ...", then you can be confident almost 100% that you have a case with intellectual.

Know how to communicate with anyone

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It is said that it is worth learning only from the best, but smart people know that an interesting dialogue can be built with anyone. Open thinking and ability to perceive other people's points of view - a distinctive sign of high intelligence.

  • Recently discussed with my wife one line, characteristic of many successful people, in particular my boss. Every time I say with him, I feel so smart! He moves away from me with such a kind, as if something learned about something. This is an amazing skill. As I understand it, he honestly admits when she does not understand something, asks questions and sincerely thanks for the fact that someone shares knowledge with him. © Nylund / Reddit

Do not interest banal conversations

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Despite the fact that smart people are able to support any conversation, it does not mean that they enjoy social games. Although it is believed that the more the person communicates with others, the more he is happy, it does not work in the case of people with high intelligence. Studies have shown that intelligent people feel less happy if forced to socialize. Therefore, if in the company you consider beech, think about: perhaps you are just too smart for these people.

Often feel alarming

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© Pikrepo.

Increased anxiety - a sign of not only emotional instability, but also high intelligence. The fact is that people with developed intelligence often pay more time to abstract reflections, analyzing situations from the past, and therefore, tend to make forecasts for the future. Naturally, the more scenarios you are capable of imagining, the more reasons for the alarm you will have. However, this fact is not fully proven.

No more weight problems

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Bad news for lovers Good to eat: scientists revealed the inverse relationship between the intelligence coefficient and the body mass index. Both adults and children suffering from excess weight show lower test results than their thin peers. In part, this is associated with the fact that obesity causes psychological discomfort, which prevents development. But it is impossible to forget that the high body mass index is usually noted in people with low social status, which also affects development.

Know how to settle conflicts

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© ChiltepInster / Wikimedia

The ability to empathy, which is inherent in people with high emotional intelligence, by itself a good thing. In particular, it allows you to more successfully negotiate, important discussions, hold business meetings. And the ability to perceive the emotions and experiences of other people and put yourself in their place helps in the settlement of conflicts.

Do not specify the other on grammatical errors

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It would seem that the ability to pay attention to spelling errors is evidence of developed intelligence, readiness and care. Of course, it is so, but the habit of judging people only by whether they write with or without errors, is a sign of inclinations to too hasty decisions. In the end, people can rush, sealed, distracting, suffering from dyslexia or simply not to give special importance to the comma.

You can predict the development of dialogue

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Possessing developed abstract thinking, the ability to draw conclusions from small things and attention to detail, smart people easily predict how one or another dialogue will develop, situation or scenario will develop, right up to specific replicas. It is difficult to surprise them with a sudden turn of the plot, but to look with them detectives and Sitcoma is simply impossible. Researchers hope that in the future they will be able to prove the relationship between the ability to predict other people's replicas and developed cognitive abilities at the scientific level.

  • I am so easily predicting the replica of the interlocutor in conversations and predicts human behavior that it makes me doubt the existence of such a thing as "freedom of will". © Serenesam / Reddit

You easily find analogies and select examples.

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© Sherlock / BBC

Another high-intelligence side effect is the ability to quickly build connections between different events and phenomena. As a result, you do not have any problems in order to explain one or another thought, choose the original and bright example or find something in common between things that, at first glance, are not connected.

  • In essence, Charles Darwin was a guy who found that various types of animals live on several islands. He collected and analyzed these data, and as a result, formulated the theory of evolution. I think that the faster and better a person can recognize regularities, the smarter. © Xechwill / Reddit

Have you noticed something from this list? Or maybe you know other ways to determine what a man is smarter than he thinks himself?

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