"Up to 30% per annum": where to invest a million, filmed from the contribution?


Russians remove money from deposits for the year. At first everyone scared the tax on deposits, the oil in the fire added a declining yield. In fact, now interest on deposits do not overlap real inflation. As a result - Russians who do not want to lose their accumulations went on the stock exchange and investment companies.

It is much better to invest a million rubles, filmed from the contribution to get an income that will block inflation and whenever possible to avoid taxes, Bankiros.ru talked to the Chairman of the Board of Financial Companies Group Alexander Zakoboboinikov.

Not stock exchange and not deposits: What are the options?

If you exclude from consideration bank deposits as one of the lowest attachments of investments, then there are still some interesting investment instruments. Among them, it is possible to call the purchase of securities in the stock market (especially using IIS), crowdding (collective lending to individuals and legal entities, often referred to themselves by "investment platforms") and loans in the framework of credit consumer cooperatives (PDA).

How much money can invest


Investments can bring great profits (up to 20% per annum in rubles or 15% in currency), but at the same time, they are conjugate and with sufficiently high risks. It is possible to reduce them by purchasing a share in investment funds (ETF), they include shares of hundreds of companies at the same time.

Also, the advantage of investments in the stock market is that most assets on it are bought for rubles, but are evaluated in currency, that is, owning them, you do not expose your ruble inflation.

Crowdlending can bring up to 30% per annum, but is an extremely risky tool, since loans issued by a mediator site are usually not provided with highly liquid assets. So, for every 10 successful loans, one completely non-returnable can be found.

Credit cooperatives offering up to 8.5% per annum in rubles, on this background do not look so impressive, however, if this particular cooperative issues loans only on the security of real estate, then work with it is a very reliable option.

Is it necessary to be a professional?

Have professional investment skills in order to successfully invest the accumulated Million, according to the speaker, not necessarily. He noted that now we live at the time when investing is not more difficult than ordering pizza or buy a vacuum cleaner in the store. However, at the same time, it is important to maintain sanity and not leading to the proposals of candid fraudsters, "miracle traders" and infozegan.

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