"C-Terra Client A" received the status of Ready for Astra Linux


C-Terra SIESHP and Astra Linux GK successfully completed joint tests of the C-Terra Client A software package version 4.3 and ASTRA Linux OS versions 1.6SE and 2.12CE.

"C-Terra Client A" is a software package designed to protect and filter traffic with the status control of sessions on user devices running Astra Linux. The product provides encryption of transmitted data using IPSec VPN technology in accordance with the requirements of modern GOST and certified by the FSB of Russia as a means of cryptographic information protection (SCJ) in the CC1 and CS2 class.

During the tests of the "C-Terra Client A" was installed on workplaces under the management of the domestic OS of two different versions: Astra Linux Common Edition (Eagle Release Version 2.12.29) and Astra Linux Special Edition (Smolensk Release Version 1.6 with Installed security update 20200722SE16).

During the test, it was established that "C-Terra Client A" is determined correctly and operates in the specified OS, the removal from the OS composition is carried out successfully. The results of a compatibility study showed a suitability for the use of a VPN client with both ASTRA Linux operating systems and were officially confirmed by READY FOR ASTRA Linux Certificates 3675/2020 and 3676/2020.

"Obtaining the status of Ready for Astra Linux product" C-Terra Client A "means that the range of operating systems for which the S-Terra security software is available, it became more widely - the technical director of S-Terra SIESHI LLC, Christopher Gazarov, emphasized. - Made another step towards import substitution. Organizations that use ASTRA Linux Russian operating systems on their devices can now use the domestic VPN client to protect access from these devices to their corporate network. "

"The compatibility of the VPN client with the ASTRA Linux OS will significantly expand the capabilities of customers to organize the safe remote work of employees and ensure the encryption of the transmitted data on IPSec VPN technology in accordance with the current requirements of the regulators," comments on the innovation director of Astra Linux GK Roman Minka.

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