11 most beautiful indoor trees that can be easily grown in the apartment


A small garden in the apartment of the room trees is quite often a dream of amateur flower. Such trees are not just cleaned and moisturized the air in the house, they are a full-fledged piece of decor. Consider the most common trees and analyze their features.

Ficus Benjamin

Right from hot countries. In a natural medium, the height of this type of ficus can reach 20 m, but inhouse - does not exceed 3 meters. Ficus Benjamin is a real undeportant. He is sure to find a permanent place in the house.

Does not like cold, darkness and drafts, as well as any movements (can reset the foliage even with a simple turn of the pot). Regular spraying of the ficus will benefit him. And once a month, it is necessary to carry out the plants. Requires constant monitoring of soil moisture.

11 most beautiful indoor trees that can be easily grown in the apartment 10591_1


Lavra grows up to 1.5-2 meters in height. With the help of trimming, which he is not afraid, he can give any shape. The plant loves lit places.

Since the laurel prefers high humidity, it will be grateful for regular spraying and shower.

In hot summer days, the plant is recommended to abundantly water, not allowing the drying of the soil.

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This succulent plant quickly grows into a real tree, but in a miniature, about one meter height. Requires good drainage and warm, dry conditions.

Negative reacts to excess moisture. Does not like direct sunlight. In the hot season, Tolstanka needs to regularly organize a shower, not letting the water in the soil.

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A famous plant in the form of a tree with a bunch of leaves, which in different species have a different shape and color. She is unpretentious in care. Drazena prefers a well-lit place and frequent, but not abundant watering.

Types with dark foliage are less demanding of lighting than copies with pinsy leaves. Spraying of the leaves of the plant must be carried out. The drazes is afraid of drafts, so it should not be located next to the window.

To ensure normal development, it requires temperature from plus 20 to plus 25 ° C. In winter - not lower than 15 degrees of heat.

11 most beautiful indoor trees that can be easily grown in the apartment 10591_4

Bottle tree

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The trunk of this tree is reminded by a bottle. In natural conditions, grows in Mexico and the United States. The scientifically called Noline or Bokarya. The development of the plant is slow - it will take about 6-8 years to form a large trunk.

It has narrow, pointed, palm leaves. Bottle tree should be raised in the pots of small size. The plant prefers the sun, not afraid of drought, but still it is required to periodically spray.

With abundant irrigation, the barrel stretches up, it spoils the appearance of the plant. Therefore, it is necessary to arrange arid periods.

11 most beautiful indoor trees that can be easily grown in the apartment 10591_5

Tangerine tree

The elegant plant will be a bright decoration of any interior. Dwarf Mandarin gives a good crop of fruit, and also protects the surrounding space from annoying insects. Usually grown on the windowsill.

Leaves are dense, saturated green. Prosen for diseases and may be attacked by pests. Therefore, the state should be under constant control.

Chemical preparations should be treated with a plant - it is better to use the economic soap dissolved in water.

11 most beautiful indoor trees that can be easily grown in the apartment 10591_6

A coffee tree

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Maximum height, when growing at home, not more than 1.5 meters. If there is a spacious space and good care, the height of the coffee tree is even about 3 meters. Avoid drafts, but be sure to ensure good ventilation of the room.

Bad neighbor for any room plant. Lighting should be bright, but scattered. Watering is recommended including the season: in winter - moderately, spring, summer, autumn - abundantly. It is not necessary to wait to dry up the top layer of soil. Coffee tree should be periodically sprayed with warm water.

11 most beautiful indoor trees that can be easily grown in the apartment 10591_7


With room cultivation reaches 1.5-2 m. In the nutrient soil grows quickly. This plant has no special requirements for no lighting or humidity. It tolerates drought well.

11 most beautiful indoor trees that can be easily grown in the apartment 10591_8

Chinese Rose (or Hibiscus)

This beautiful flowering plant can grow to gigantic sizes. With an increase in the age of the plant, the size of the crown increases.

Pretty well reacts to forming trimming. It has large colors of scarlet coloring. Neciprisal in care. With its painting, give brightness to any room.

11 most beautiful indoor trees that can be easily grown in the apartment 10591_9


It has high growth (3-5 m) and a spreaded crown. It has large, saturated green shiny leaves with symmetric slits.

At the bottom of the plant, air roots are formed over time, providing it with additional support and nutrition. Therefore, it should not be trimmed. Blooms rarely.

11 most beautiful indoor trees that can be easily grown in the apartment 10591_10


If we provide it with a sufficient amount of sunlight, then the plant can grow to 2.5 meters. But in hot weather, Sheffler is better to clean in the half.

It is necessary very carefully to watering this plant: the lack of water can lead to loss of foliage, and overflows to the root rot.

11 most beautiful indoor trees that can be easily grown in the apartment 10591_11

As you can see, indoor trees can be of different types, with flowers and without, fruiting and not. To the potoma-smearing such a plant is easy, the main thing to comply with the requirements of care and then it will delight you for a long time.

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