A girl about life without sex: "The unsuccessful first attempts led to the fact that I am afraid of intimacy." 18+

A girl about life without sex:

"At the age of 17, began to meet with a guy. When the time is the time of the first sex, I burned and threw unjustified expectations. None of the two had experience - sex did not work. Instead, he turned into obsessive violence. " Since then, the heroine "without face" is easier to say "no" than agree.

- Then I burst out and ran away. For the first time it did not work? So what! Everyone has an unsuccessful experience. But we continued to meet and try.

"Trying" - because the guy had difficulty. For 2.5 years, which continued this torment, the girl has developed a problem.

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- I thought it was in me: not good enough, beautiful, loved. But all this I did not want to notice. I came home, roared and shared on the backyard of memory. Like, everything is fine. We even did not discuss much with each other.

Then the sex attempts turned into a "work". I thought all the time: how to solve a guy's problem? It was disgusting. I began to be afraid of intimacy and invent excuses. As a result, we broke up. And I plunged into a 4-year depression.

Since the first failure, 10 years have passed. I still can't start a relationship, knowing that they are all leading to sex. I am afraid of feelings of disappointment, humiliation.

I went to a psychologist. It turned out, this is not just a problem - it changed my whole life. To remove the complexes regarding your body, I starred in several nu-photo shoots. Not everything is perfect, but I am a buzz, what I am beautiful.

From the fact that I am afraid of sex, it does not follow that I do not want, I do not feel desires or excitement. I also assume that if I had sex every day, I would like. But while I am for masturbation.

I'm not afraid of a naked man - I'm scared that everything will repeat again.

And for the new issues of the program "Without face" we are looking for:

Zhigolo and the content; a man who works the Webcam model; who was in slavery.

If you are you or your friend, write Igor Demenekov to the mail [email protected] or knock on Telegram / Instagram @Dzemiankou. And if you are ready to tell some interesting life story, but are not ready to open your face for obvious reasons, also write!

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