OneZero: Anonymous publishers earn $ 1 million per year, loading fan noises and other sounds on service


Users listen to white noise, such as the rustle of the leaves or the root of the waterfall to calm down or fall asleep.

Popular on Spotify The authors who create white noise have found a way to quickly earn money on the Streaming, without doing almost nothing, onezero said. The publication talked to the former regular Sound designer of one of these publishers - the British company Ameritz.

White noise is a stable series of sounds of the same intensity, for example, the rustling of leaves or the root of the waterfall. Such music usually listens to calm down or fall asleep.

"You will not even imagine how much time I spent, recording different sounds, for example, the noise of computer or desktop fans, practically everything you can come up with," the former employee of Ameritz told. He decided to remain anonymous to avoid potential consequences in the profession.

Ameritz manages hundreds of artist pages mainly through the Fictive Label Peak Records, found out the publication. Among such authors, for example, there is White Noise Baby Sleep and Relaxing Music Therapy.

Some of these pages are gaining hundreds of thousands and millions of listening every day, writes Onezero with reference to Spotify for Artists. So, in 2020, listening to WHITE Noise Baby Sleep artists, Rain Sounds and Deep Sleep Music Collective regularly exceeded 1 million daily.

The service pays musicians for one audition about $ 0.0032. The internal rules of Spotify from 2017, obtained by OneZero, prohibit the use of search engine optimization methods in the names of the performers and the names of the tracks. In particular, it is forbidden to use SEO terms like "Christmas hits", "Music for sleep", "Music for concerts" and the like.

Despite this, Americitz loads hundreds of tracks "for sleep" in service, often re-publishing the same content on the pages, that is, sending spam in Spotify.

Ameritz is not the only company that releases tracks with white noise bypassing the application rules. Others are often more difficult to track, writes the publication. After studying the page with "relaxing music", Onezero found several similar companies - from small like Lullify to Ameritz with dozens of employees.

Many of these authors are not published anywhere except Spotify. Their pages have common names like Nature Ambience, Smart Baby Lullaby or Binaural Beats Brain Waves IsoChronic Tones Brain Wave Entrainment are real names. It is unlikely that someone from these performers has rights to these pseudonyms, which allows several companies to use the same names without fear of violations.

Such a common anonymity is convenient for the creators who bet on a good SEO, and not on the quality of music, the publication writes.

Information on such albums in the service is most often indicated by non-existent companies, such as Beats of the World Studios, Experiences in Music or Umbrella Terms Records.

Lullify Music - one of the exceptions. She belongs to the WHITE Noise Baby Sleep, Rain Sounds pages and others. The company consists of two people, they work with contractors, told the publication Lullify CEO Patrick Zajda (Patrick Zajda). According to him, Lullify really loads the compositions on common profiles and at the same time creates its own brand.

Zaid explains that the strategy of general pages is just a way to "think non-standard to group your content in categories". "But some people, of course, come too far," he adds.

It is difficult to find other major publishers in this segment, because most of the companies do not advertise the use of this strategy, writes onezero. But it is possible to group different unknown performers for similar names of the tracks, the style of the design of albums, logos, and so on.

Peak Records, used by Ameritz Name to publish in Spotify, is referred to as the right holder most often. One of the characteristic signs of this label is the names between exclamation marks or other symbols.

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Ameritz openly owns the MELLOTRON unit, which focuses on LO-Fi-music and signs contracts with artists. But Ameritz does not mention PEAK anywhere.

However, in the metadata tracks from PEAK repeatedly appear three names as authors: David Christopher Green, Lewis Owen Hit and David Stewart Wilkes.

On the Ameritz website David Green is listed as a managing director of the company, Lewis Hit - as a General Director, and David Wilks - as a "lawyer and financier". In total, about 30 people work in the company.

Among the thousands of white noise albums are also very rarely found compositions from Mellotron Records. In the example below, David Christopher Green as the author is also mentioned in all five tracks.

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"I know that Ameritz reprints these albums dozens of times on Spotify with different names, with different names and covers, mainly to keep their music at the top of the page, like the" Last Release ". And this is a permanent job at least 10 different people. They literally release the same tracks again and again, "says the former employee of the company.

Due to the permanent releases, it is difficult to determine which tracks are collecting the most listening and how to listen to the ruling holders are distributed, the publication approves. But total right holders of three main pages are now divided among themselves 1 million auditions every day - about $ 3,000 per day or more than $ 1 million per year, onezero counted.

Ameritz and Spotify did not respond to publication requests.


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