It became known about the measures taken in schools after preventing the terrorist attack in the Penza region


Penza, March 11 - PenzaNews. Head of the Department of Education Penza Liliya Chashchina reported measures that were adopted in the subordinate institutions after the detention of a 16-year-old student, which, according to investigators, planned to commit a terrorist attack in one of the schools of the region.

It became known about the measures taken in schools after preventing the terrorist attack in the Penza region 10534_1

Head of the Department of Education Penza Liliya Chashchina reported measures that were adopted in the subordinate institutions after the detention of a 16-year-old student, which, according to investigators, planned to commit a terrorist attack in one of the schools of the region.

"All activities with students within the educational components are carried out with the guys as in a mass character, [...] and individually. Now all the cool leaders in connection with the current situation received an order that it is necessary to hold meetings, first of all the cool clock, with the guys about how to conduct themselves in social networks, "said Lily Chashchina, answering questions from the deputies of Penza Gordum During the 20th regular session on Thursday, March 11.

She added that it was also scheduled to adjust the lessons of the Obzh.

"We have a course" Basics of Life Safety "within the framework of the curriculum. We have now talked to teachers that you need to strengthen this module and transfer it to the curriculum in the near future in order to emphasize this, "the head of the education department explained.

According to Lilia Chashina, active work is underway with the parents of students, while communication takes place either in person in small groups or in online mode.

"In this situation, it is very important now [...] to track the pages of social networks of our guys not only to cool, but also by the parent public," she said.

The head of the Department of Education Penza emphasized that high attention was paid to filtering Internet content in schools.

"Parents asked, recommended to do the same on computers and social pages of their children at home," said Liliya Chashchina.

She reported that interaction with cyber squads operating in the Penza region was established.

In addition, according to her, in connection with the representatives of the FSB, the representatives of the FSB are preparing guidelines for class managers with information on how they can act in a particular situation within their powers.

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