Information on the participation of representatives of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the funeral of Ibrahimov confirmed (video)


Information on the participation of representatives of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the funeral of Ibrahimov confirmed (video)

Information on the participation of representatives of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the funeral of Ibrahimov confirmed (video)

Almaty. February 5th. KazTAG - Information on the participation of representatives of the Government of Kazakhstan in the funeral of the oligarch Alidzhan Ibragimov held in Kyrgyzstan confirmed, so, at the funeral of the billionaire, the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Babut Atambulov, read condolences on behalf of Nursultan Nazarbayev and Kasym-Zhomart Tokayeva.

"Allow me to read the letter from the first president of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Ebbasy Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev. "With a deep regret, I took the news about the death of Alidzhan Rakhmanovich Ibrahimov. Please accept my sincere condolences. Having passed a big job path, he reached significant heights in a professional career, was the leader and organizer. As a prominent representative of Kazakhstan's business, Alidjan Rakhmanovich contributed to the progressive development of the banking sector and the mining and metallurgical industry. I always remember our communication with the warmth. It was distinguished by high human qualities and devotion to the chosen cause. The bright memory of Alidzhan Rakhmanovich Ibrahimov will forever remain in our hearts, "the letter of the first president of Kazakhstan read the Atamkulov.

He then read the condolences to the current president of the country Kasym-Zhomart Tokayeva.

"Native and close Alidzhan Rakhmanovich Ibrahimov, accept my condolences in connection with the grief of you, the death of a prominent entrepreneur, a member of the Board of Directors of Eurasian Resources Group Alidzhan Ibrahimova. Alidia Rakhmanovich, made a great contribution to the development of the country's economic potential, occupied an active civil position, discouraged the well-deserved respect. The bright memory of Alidzhan Rakhmanovich will forever continue in the hearts of relatives and loved ones, colleagues and friends, "read the Atamkulov.

Audio recording mourning speeches at the funeral of Ibrahimov placed the Edition of Kaktus Media on his page on YouTube.

Recall, Kazakhstan Oligarch Alidia Ibrahimov, one of the main shareholders of the Eurasian Resources Group (ERG) group of companies and the co-owner of Eurasian National Resources Corporation (ENRC) died in Belgium on February 3. Billionaire, who occupied the fifth line of the rating of the richest people of Kazakhstan, will be buried in Kyrgyzstan, whose native it is. On the same day, KazTAG with reference to its own sources reported that the group of high-ranking officials of Kazakhstan will fly to the funeral of Ibrahimov to Kyrgyzstan with a special charter flight.

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