Saratov deputy on sterilization of homeless animals: dogs bite, and not other manipulations are carried out with people

Saratov deputy on sterilization of homeless animals: dogs bite, and not other manipulations are carried out with people 10506_1
Deputy Saratov Oblastum Stanislav Denisenko Photo Nick Luhminsky

Today, March 24, at a meeting of the Saratov Regional Duma, discussing the amendments to the Law on the content of homeless dogs in the shelter resulted in a rapid discussion on how it is advisable to deal with this phenomenon.

Currently, the law provides for the only way - calfs, sterilization, vaccination and release back to the habitat, that is, on the streets. The law considered today was that the permanent period should be increased, as the sanitary rules changed. But many deputies came far beyond the boundaries of the question under discussion.

The deputy from LDPR Sergey Dobalov said that in the village of Meliorator, residents observe the aggressive flock of dogs with tags in the ears, which indicate that animals have passed all the procedures. The fact that they still represent the danger to residents, according to the deputy, indicates the insufficiency of measures applied to them.

"You are absolutely right that they have left the teeth. As for the tag: now all the tags will be unique. If then, God forbid, after events, we will see that the female dog was with puppies, we will be able to establish a shelter who spent the events with it. For this will be responsibility, "the head of the State Department of the Government of the Region, Alexey Molchanov, answered.

"Dogs bite - teeth! - Not other manipulations are carried out with people, "Stanislav Denisenko continued.

He also criticized the practice when dogs are caught, take hundreds of kilometers into the shelter, and then drive back to release. It does not like any deputies that understand that such trips are worthwhile, no residents of settlements from where dogs come from.

"People say: we will lay down on the road and do not let you return the dogs back to the villages and settlements," said Zhirinovic.

The deputy from "EP" Olga Bolyakin informed that in Balakovo, Ershovsky, Atkarsky and Pugachevsky district, it is planned to create bush centers that will serve the surrounding areas. And her unionarter Konstatin Denisov asked the deputies that demand a "cardinal" problem solving, openly perform the shoots of dogs.

After completion of the discussion, the deputies voted for amendments.

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