The cause of the death of Andrei Bolsunov became known. His strange illness


January 27, from the page "Gogol Center" in Instagram, it became known that

Andrei Bolsunova is no longer. Just the second month of the new year, and how many losses ...

Today, Andrei Bolsunov actor died. He is familiar to our spectators on the performance of "executioners", "milk", "nine", "HARMS. Mer "," Awakening Spring "," Fear ". Andrei remained in the troupe after the Gogol Theater became Gogol Center, and was an important and integral part of our team,

- Personal post on the social network.

The cause of the death of Andrei Bolsunov became known. His strange illness 1049_1

The Gogol Center team expresses sincere condolences to the family and close to Andrei.



Colleagues who barely cope with sadness tell a lot of interesting things about the actor. They all remember him, as a person who knew how to enjoy life, to support others, charming with charisma and wit. Close actors told that he had been sick for a long time, and his spouse was fired from work at the end of 2020, and she cared for her husband, without moving away from him.

The cause of the death of Andrei Bolsunov became known. His strange illness 1049_2
Andrei Bolsunov

He became worse in the summer: he lost heavily, ceased to eat, and its temperature began to rise sharply. Also in his veins on the legs formed a thrombus. But Bolsunov did not immediately start responding to it, simply applying medicines that knock down the symptoms.

The cause of the death of Andrei Bolsunov became known. His strange illness 1049_3
Andrei Bolsunov

It turns out that he did not like doctors that did not prevent the insistant to insist on the examination and the actors were hospitalized: there was a suspicion of cancer. January 14, he was written in his 52nd birthday. But almost immediately the temperature began to ride again, rising to 38 degrees.

The cause of the death of Andrei Bolsunov became known. His strange illness 1049_4
Andrei Bolsunov

Three days after the discharge, he was again taken to the hospital with a temperature of 39. Made CT, which showed shocking truth: 75 percent damage to the lungs and pneumonia. Interestingly, it was not coronavirus.

He was treated in an infectious hospital, but doctors, unfortunately, could not help him. The man died on January 27th.

The cause of the death of Andrei Bolsunov became known. His strange illness 1049_5
Andrei Bolsunov

Bolsunov comes from Odessa. He initially planned to be a journalist at the Kemerovo State University. Later he served in the army, and after that he came to Moscow to enter the Schepkin Theater School, which successfully graduated. Having received a diploma, was adopted in the troupe of the Moscow Drama Theater named after Nikolai Gogol.

Also did not become an actor from the cult series "Brigade". He was only 52 years old. What is not a day, then tragedy: not the muse and beloved woman Vladimir Vysotsky. We also prepared for you stories about celebrities, which went away because of unfortunate love.

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