Human papilloma virus: what is dangerous and how to avoid infection


How is HPV infection?

According to physicians, this infection can get into the body during unprotected sex (with penetration, without using a condom). At the same time, the papillomavirus infection can be found not only on genitalia or on the cervix, but also in the larynx, as well as in the rectum. Doctors pay attention to the fact that HPV of low risk and papilloma can be picked up with sexual contact without penetration in the case when an infected site comes into contact with the partner's mucous membrane. In everyday life, it is impossible to get in everyday life, so you can safely go to the bath or sauna, as well as use some common things. You should not forget that during childbirth (if a woman was once papillomas) can be found on the skin of the HPV high oncogenic risk on the skin (but in the cervix the infection will not be able to penetrate), as well as various types of viruses that can cause larynx papillomatosis in newborns.

What tests will help identify a person's papilloma virus in the body?

Due to the fact that this virus is quite common, with him, according to physicians, is facing about 90% of people. And if one is getting rid of it for two years, then others have to fight with more dangerous consequences - cervical cancer. According to experts, almost all cases of cervical cancer have been provoked precisely HPV, which, when entering the body, is actively introduced into cells, violates their work, embedded in DNA of these very cells and affects metabolic processes. Due to the fact that from the moment of infection until the identification of any changes on the cervix takes place at least 10 years, 30-year-old and more young women take tests useless. In addition, the body is also actively involved in the work and spends on an average of about 2 years to get rid of the virus.

When a cervical disease is detected, it is necessary to pass an analysis on HPV and cytology to determine if there is a virus and how dangerous it is. If there is a virus, but it will not reach pathology, then you can be examined once a year in order to be able to track any changes and take appropriate measures in time. If the High Risk High Risk virus has been discovered, then it is necessary to immediately turn to a specialist and choose the appropriate treatment. Unfortunately, today there are no drugs that prove their effectiveness and safety in the treatment of HPV, so it is very important not to engage in self-medication.

Photo: Engin akyurt / pexels
Photo: Engin akyurt / pexels How can I protect against a dangerous virus?

According to experts, it is possible to protect yourself from the human papilloma virus in three ways: abstinence, the use of condoms during sexual intercourse or vaccination. Protected sex although it is not 100% guaranteed, however, the rubber product number 2 with regular and competent use has a degree of protection about 90%, which is quite good.

As for vaccination, in our country today, this way can be defended from four types of HPV: 6, 11, 16, 18. If we consider that about 14 are known highlyoncogenic types, and in total there are more than 200, then vaccine, of course, Also is not 100% protection, but at the same time it will be able to reduce the risk of developing severe lesions of cervix, heavy dysplasia and cervical cancer. According to physicians, vaccination must be carried out to girls aged 11-13 years (before the start of sex life). For example, according to WHO, today Vaccination against HPV is carried out within the framework of the national calendar of vaccinations in 110 countries, but in the Russian calendar, protection against these viruses is not yet included. In Russia, this vaccination is still produced within the framework of regional programs and at the expense of their funds.

Is there any contraindications? Vaccination is not recommended in an acute period of diseases and in case of severe forms of allergic reactions. Other contraindications will be able to identify the therapist, which it is necessary to visit before you decide on the procedure.

Photo: Miha Corni / Pexels

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