Regulation refutes the connection of vaccination from coronavirus and the complications arising from several Voronezh residents

Regulation refutes the connection of vaccination from coronavirus and the complications arising from several Voronezh residents 10467_1

The Commission of the Health Department studied six cases of the complications of the complications in Voronezh residents after the introduction of the Vaccine "Satellite V" from Coronavirus. The high temperature of 2-3 days is not considered to be complicated, but how much the well-being in the grafted is unknown.

According to the oblave, the poor well-being of the vaccinated was not related to vaccination.

- In the Voronezh region, there are strict control of vaccination against COVID-19, including control of reactions after each vaccination component. To do this, the monitoring system is organized in vaccination. Information is transmitted to a specially created regional immunological commission, which disassembles all the facts of post-welcome reactions. In order to ensure the expertise and openness of the work of the Commission, it includes authoritative specialists of the medical institutions, the Department of Health, Roszdravnadzor, Rospotrebnadzor, VGMU Burdenko, - the press service of the Health Department of the Voronezh region reported.

"Voronezh news" contacted the family of an 85-year-old resident of Voronezh, which was vaccinated. Whether it enters those 6 people who are talking about dedication is unknown.

V.M. - A very active elderly woman who herself insisted on the need for vaccination. The day before it passed blood and analysis of PCR on COVID-19 to get approval. The vaccine did on March 3 in the morning. Immediately there were no reactions. But in the evening the temperature of 38.5 rose, which was difficult to knock down. Until March 9, the well-being was very bad: the temperature flew up the waves up to 39.9. Calls to the ambulance ended with the Council to double-trip the dose of paracetomol. There were no symptoms other than temperature and weakness.

On the hotline for Coronavirus, they said that due to age and temperature under 40 degrees need to be called a district doctor. He was called after the holidays. Doctors from the clinic arrived on March 9 and immediately took PCR. At this time, the temperature lied a bit and did not exceed 37.5. After every day, they called from the clinic, clarifying whether his well-being was worse.


We ourselves paid a blood test for IG M antibodies to find out if she was infected with Cake. PCR sometimes shows a false-negative result, only IG G can work out from vaccination, so this is the only way to reliably find out if there is a virus. Antibodies were not, PCR is also negative. But in general blood test, the indicators of a bacterial infection turned out to be. Now we are waiting for the doctor instructions, how do we be with this

- granddaughter shared V.M.

Gradually, the state of V.M. Normalizes. "Voronezh news" will tell how events will develop further.

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