An app for checking signs of autism, natural honey and earplugs for office: the best of the "Tribunes" for 2020


What they read most often.

As I moved to the US and launched an IoT platform with half a million users

Blynk is an application that connects the smartphone and a Wi-Fi chip. The user itself embeds the chip into the device, even the usual fan will suit, Blynk supports more than 400 models of microcontrollers. So from ordinary technique, it turns out "smart", although the creator of Pavel Bayborodina does not like this term.

He shared the stratum history: as gathered money on Kickstarter, the sake of the company moved to the United States, almost abandoned the project and changed the business model.

ATEC - app for checking signs of autism

An app for checking signs of autism, natural honey and earplugs for office: the best of the

Zakhar Lobanov Designer and Father Girls with autism. Atypical autism in the daughter was officially diagnosed only at four years, although, according to Lobanova, the first signs were manifested in a year and a half.

So that other parents do not make similar mistakes, he made a mobile application that will help doubters parents or dispel their concerns, or confirm, and if fears are not read, follow the dynamics of rehabilitation.

Lobanov also tells how the application develops. Now it is translated into tens of languages, there is a version for iOS and Android.

"Self-employed." - Service for finding work and calculations between self-employed, individuals and business

An app for checking signs of autism, natural honey and earplugs for office: the best of the

Where to search for customers? How to customers and self-employed are accounted for among themselves so that there is no deception? How does the business of Hiring contractors and pay them so that everything is by law? The service is trying to answer these questions, offering a solution in the form of a single ecosystem.

The service team stopped on three products: an electronic wallet for individuals, payment instruments for business and marketer-stock exchange for self-employed and customers.

About the search for tools that needed self-employed, and the development of products tells the co-founder Dmitry Artyukhov.

GRASPP is a new way to translate words in books. Finger

An app for checking signs of autism, natural honey and earplugs for office: the best of the

Arseni Kogan - the co-founder of the GRASPP application. This is a dictionary and translator, but with a new mechanic: Show your finger on an unfamiliar word in the book, you guide the camera and see the translation.

A big story about creating a prototype and a finger recognition algorithm and text.

Fresmeat59 - Natural canned meat without "garbage" in the bank

An app for checking signs of autism, natural honey and earplugs for office: the best of the

"The promise gave his wife and opened his small business," the builder Victor Waikov came to the idea.

According to him, only meat, salt, pepper and a little onion puree for taste. The company cans beef tongue, trout, chicken, pork and beef. Packaging - Glass cans so that buyers see what inside.

In the material of the Winning - on the launch of its own production, initial investments and future plans.

How we did earn veer to work in a noisy office, while everyone worked from home

An app for checking signs of autism, natural honey and earplugs for office: the best of the

Startup "River" made Veer ear in for those who cannot focus on work because of noise. They are equipped with passive noise reduction and volume control. While Veer is more like wireless headphones because of the ambush, but the company is going to make a monolithic pinch.

In the "Tribune" startup tells about the idea. And in other materials - about production, as worked with China and tried to make the details on their own, and promotion when nobody knows, but there are no reviews yet.

"Honey Razdare" - Natural Honey of 600 Hives

An app for checking signs of autism, natural honey and earplugs for office: the best of the

"At the apiary passed all my life. In this photo, behind me 120 hives. Now - already 600, "says Vasily Ogrel.

From 13 years he lives at the apiary and is engaged in beekeeping for 30 years. He learned how to produce it in the nineties at the stepfather, and after - did from this business. Together with his wife, they develop the company "Honey Dromat". He is responsible for bees, an apiary and a product, and a spouse for sales and marketing.

Ogrel in the material is divided, as he is all arranged: a store, team, marketing and sales.

I darred to seek removable accommodation and created a robot that makes it instead of me

An app for checking signs of autism, natural honey and earplugs for office: the best of the

Lev Klebanov made a bot in Telegram, who is looking for an apartment in Moscow and St. Petersburg and intercepts grandmother's repair thanks to the neuralition.

In the material it says, with what problems people often face during the search for housing, and how the bot can decide them, as well as on the development, promotion and monetization.

We decided to show people for which they pay the management company in fact. And that's what came out of it

An app for checking signs of autism, natural honey and earplugs for office: the best of the

Startup "Householder" wants to make the transparent work of management companies and simplify the management of his homes. With its help, the tenants can see what monthly contributions leave, make a schedule of the concierge or the location of video surveillance cameras.

Operational Director Dmitryimrichin talks about the idea of ​​startup, the development of the service and plans for the future.

As I did a service for myself and colleagues, and then turned it into a small business

An app for checking signs of autism, natural honey and earplugs for office: the best of the

"My Santa" is a service that helps to organize New Year's exchange of gifts in companies.

He is developing Viktor Klebanov since 2016. I started from the table in "Google Documents" and reached a full-fledged platform. Remises the entire history of the project and is divided into mechanics who helped to grow the service every year, and also answers the question whether to make money on the service that is relevant for a couple of months a year.

What else was interesting

  • Sex Keeper - a sex life tracking application.
  • As we reduced the cost of the Internet in the office from 25 to 5 thousand rubles per month.
  • "Wedge!", And the table covers - the delivery service of festive snacks.

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