"Alfa-Capital Chinese shares" entered the top 3 of the most profitable stock exchange funds


Clean Assets of the Alfa-Capital Chinese stock fund exceeded 2 billion rubles [1] On February 24, 2021, the fund began to bargain on the Moscow Stock Exchange since the end of December 2020

Moscow, February 25th. Clean assets of the Alfa-Capital Chinese stock fund exceeded 2 billion rubles [1] on February 24, 2021. The fund began to bargain on the Moscow Stock Exchange since the end of December 2020

In January, according to the Investfunds.ru rating, the Alfa-Capital Foundation Chinese shares entered the top 3 of the most profitable stock exchange funds [2]. Today, the Chinese economy is one of the largest and fastest growing in the world, and, of course, this factor additionally attracts the attention of investors.

Exchange funds are one of the most sought-after private investors tools. In 2020, the total assets of the BPIFs under the control of Alfa-Capital rose more than 3 times and currently exceeded 15 billion rubles. At once, three funds, "Alpha-Capital ES & PI 500 (S & P 500®)", "Technologies 100" and "Europe 600" entered the top 10 in terms of the funds raised [3]. The company emphasizes that this product is especially interesting for customers using online channels for investment.

Alfa-Capital Chinese Action BPIF has become the sixth in a bill in the line of stock exchange funds under the control of Alfa-Capital. His feature is an orientation for a wide range of Chinese companies, including the IT sector, which in recent years shows an increasing growth in comparison with indexes. It is expected that against the background of successful combating coronavirus, the beginning of vaccination and restoration of the business climate in the world, the Chinese economy will show in 2021 growth in about 8%. For investors, this is a chance to get profitability higher than in other emerging markets.

"Our Foundation provides an opportunity to invest in Chinese companies in a wide range of investors who can quickly buy or sell its shares through the stock exchange. The idea to invest in one of the advanced economies of the world is understandable and finds a response from customers. This is evidenced by high demand and such a rapid growth of the assets of the Fund for a relatively short time, "Irina Krivosheev commented on Irina Krivosheev.


The Alfa-Civil Code is one of the largest companies in the assets management market. The Alfa-Civil Code was established in 1996 and is a pioneer of the assets management market for private, institutional and corporate investors. Alpha Capital enters the Alpha Group Consortium - one of the largest financial and industrial structures of Russia.

[1] https://investfunds.ru/funds/6587/?frompage=navfund

[2] https://investfunds.ru/fund-rankings/fund-yield/?type_ranking=ready&datebeginrange=06.11.2020&dateendrange=09.02.2021&datetype=1&datebeginmy=2020-11-01&dateEndMy=2021-02-28&date=2021-1- 29 & PID = 1 & NAV = 0 & TID = 0-3K & OBJ = 0-B8TA

[3] https://investfunds.ru/fund-rankings/fund-inflow/?date=2020-12-31&pid=3&tid=0-3k

Based on pronline.ru.

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