"NATO teachings in 2021 acquire an offensive bias" - Belarusian expert

"NATO teachings in 2021 acquire an offensive bias" - Belarusian expert

On March 2, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko Place in the Republic of Russian military aircraft for joint duty with Belarusian pilots. At the same time, the president noted the lack of the need to create a Russian military base. In parallel, the parties on the creation of joint training centers of combat training, where they will train including SU-30CM pilots and air defense operators. Objectives and objectives of military cooperation between Belarus and Russia in an interview with Eurasia.Expert analyzed the candidate of sociological sciences, colonel of stock, Professor of the Academy of Military Sciences of the Russian Federation Alexander Tikhansky.

- What is the main goal of joint duty of Russian and Belarusian aircraft? Why do Russian aircraft need Belarus?

- The armed forces of Russia and Belarus created a single air defense system (not to be confused with the combined), and the patrolling of the air borders of the union state is part of this system. Moreover, the reinforced militarization of the North-West region, in particular, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia, requires constant tracking of the cross-border air situation.

Currently, the Aviation of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus only partially performs this role by virtue of its small number. Accordingly, for several years on a rotational basis, together with the Belarusian air defense aircraft, the duty is carried out by Russian aviation. In this case, the President of Belarus has in mind permanent duty and patrol.

- President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko noted that "BAZ is enough, they should not be created." Why is Minsk against the construction of new military bases? What is the interests of Russia and Belarus?

- Minsk is not against new bases, he is trying to use old at least partially, since there are two more reserve airfield apart from three main. And, of course, their sharing (renewal of their activities) in the interests of Russia and Belarus's military security.

After all, over the past year, world defense expenditures increased by 1.9%, while the greatest growth of defense expenditures occurred last year in Europe, where he amounted to 5.6%. That is, almost three times more than the whole world. And we need to make timely conclusions from this and constantly optimize military spending.

- For the period from March 9 to March 20, co-Russian-Belarusian tactical teachings on peacekeeping topics are planned. Also, in the period from March 15 to March 27, the joint Belarusian-Russian tactical teaching will be held in the Minsk region. What are the main goals pursue these teachings?

- It is clear that the servicemen will prepare for the operations to prevent conflicts on the territory of the former USSR and, possibly in the Donbas.

As you know, Russian and Belarusian officers are now participating within the OSCE in the monitoring mission in the South-East of Ukraine. And earlier, President Alexander Lukashenko repeatedly stated that he was ready to introduce peacekeepers to the Donbass and take control of the plot of the Ukrainian-Russian border, if the consent of the parties.

These are not the most large-scale exercises in 2021. Such training are held constantly. Basically, their goal is to continuously increase the efficiency and coordination of the army of the Union State. The main teachings of the two countries will be held in August and September. Engineering troops, disposal parts, logistical authorities, curfews and even military police will take part in them. And this is already a demonstration of readiness for countering military threats to our states and that active militarization of the region, which I said above.

Therefore, the main task of the current military training is the preparation of Army units of the two countries to the "West-2021" maneuvers, which will be held at the Polygons of Russia and Belarus from September 10 to September 16 of this year.

- What reaction from NATO can you expect?

- I think that quite restrained, since the NATO program itself is much longer and more actively and with an offensive bias. The reaction of neighbors - Poland, Lithuania and Latvia - will be at the level of hysteria, but we are already accustomed to this and understand: to give money, you need to scream louder. The main reaction will be the strengthening of intelligence activities in this region.

- In 2021, the CSTO plans to spend eight military exercises, most of which will be held in Tajikistan. What tasks will address the teachings?

- Yes, Tajikistan this year - the State Chairman of the Organization and, accordingly, greater emphasis in the exercises will be made to neutralize threats in this region.

President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko believes that in the current conditions, interaction within the CSTO should be strengthened. "Today from us, taking into account the dynamics of challenges and threats, it is required not to maintain the current interaction, but also its extension. In modern conditions, the alliance becomes more and more significant meaning, "he believes. "The world is once again standing on the threshold of an uncontrolled arms race. The most dangerous phenomena are exacerbated, namely, a military confrontation between world centers of power, "he said.

In particular, the teachings "Echelon" are planned, the largest teachings with the collective forces of operational response, by the forces and means of intelligence and others. "Most of the teachings are scheduled for the second half of the year," said the CSTO Secretary General Stanislav, because the organization focuses on the situation and the risks that arise for participants in the exercises in connection with the coronavirus pandemic.

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