Unpretentious plants that will decorate areas in the shade


    Good afternoon, my reader. You can decorate the household plot not only in sunny places, but also on the shaded: near the buildings, next to the high fence or thick trees. For this use shadowed plants.

    Unpretentious plants that will decorate areas in the shade 10357_1
    Unpretentious plants that will decorate areas in the shadow Maria Verbilkova

    These are flowers that grow both in well-lit plots and in a scattered shadow.

    Prefers places in the scattered shadow with nutrient soil. Perennial, reaching in a height of up to 85 cm with inflorescences in the form of bright, long blizzes. The advantage of the Astilba is its prolonged flowering - to deep autumn.

    It tolerates drought well.

    Before planting perennials into the ground, the organic is introduced (3 kg per 1 m2).

    Compact perennials with a height of 20 cm. Apparently gardeners for their spectacular, spreading flowers of blue, red, yellow, purple flowers. It feels well in the half, however, they require care throughout the season: abundant irrigation, timely fertilizer making, removing dried buds.

    Unpretentious plants that will decorate areas in the shade 10357_2
    Unpretentious plants that will decorate areas in the shadow Maria Verbilkova

    Susceptible to attacks of slugs.

    There are grades annual and perennial. The flowerbeds decorate the lowered plants, up to 55 cm high, and tall - up to 95 cm. Floxes are distinguished by lush, abundant blossom. They form inflorescences from 11 cm bells with a diameter of 11 cm. There are pointed and rounded forms of petals.

    Unpretentious plants that will decorate areas in the shade 10357_3
    Unpretentious plants that will decorate areas in the shadow Maria Verbilkova

    Floxes are planted as an independent group, as well as create compositions with other brake plants.

    Host varieties are very much, but for growing in a half, they prefer variants with monochromatic leaves. They are less demanding of lighting.

    Leaving the plant is unemployed. It stands stepping both freezing and drought. Quickly grow up and used as a background shrub. The perennial is planted separately, are used to form borders, in compositions with other colors.

    Unpretentious plants that will decorate areas in the shade 10357_4
    Unpretentious plants that will decorate areas in the shadow Maria Verbilkova

    The host has large leaves, slightly pointed at the ends. They differ in color and by texture: matte, with wrinkles, smooth, shiny, with strokes, stripes, etc.

    The height of the bush from 55 cm to 1.2 m.

    Some shadowy plants feel perfectly in thick shadow.

    Soil perennial. It grows very thickly, so it is divided every three years. Bustics reach a height of 45 cm. Spanish. There are varieties with completely green leaf plates, stained or strokes.

    Primrose. Inflorescences Small blue, purple, pink, red colors. After they are flowing, leaves appear on the fore.

    Medunication is used in compositions with a host, fern, freezer and a hokhlytka. Sit close to shrubs.

    The perennials are decorated with the edges of the flower beds, the rich circles of trees and shrubs. There is a large number of varieties and hybrids. Introduces small neat bushes with a height of 20 cm. Blizzard starts from the first half of April and until mid-May.

    Inflorescences of a variety of forms: multi-tiered, spherical, pyramidal. The color palette is also different: white, blue, pink flowers.

    Propagated to introduce the division of the bush.

    Tall shrub (reaches up to 1.5 m), which decorate the territory of household buildings or in a solid fence. Form of sheet plates in some varieties resembles chestnut. Large leaves on stretched cuttings. Flowerons are high, in the form of panickens, creamy color. Flowers in July.

    On the flower beds, Rogersia dominates, attracting special attention. Use both in solo landings and combined with host, ferns, astilbami.

    Many shadowable plants in beauty are not inferior to growing in the sun. Allow you to create spectacular combinations both in the scattered shadow and in thick.

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