How to sow and grow velvets


Good afternoon, my reader. Velhets - unpretentious flowers. With its bright, yellow and orange inflorescences, they are able to decorate any flower bed and a flower garden, both in the city and the household site.

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How to sow and grow marriages Maria Verbilkova

There are several secrets how to grow these chic flowers.

One of the methods of growing plants - with the help of seedlings. From the sowing and before the start of flowering takes about 45 days. Therefore, the planting material is beginning to prepare in early April.

Preferred loose soil with high fertility.

Soil is prepared independently. For this take:

  • peat - 2 parts;
  • compost (or humid) - 1 part;
  • Washed river sand - 1/2 part.

The components are thoroughly stirred and treated with a solution of fungicide ("Phytosporin", "Vitaros", "Maxim"). The event is necessary that the plants are not injured from such a dangerous fungal disease as a black leg.

Further, the composition is scattered into special containers (containers or cassettes). The soil moisturizes, slightly seal and make shallow grooves on the surface, retreating from each other by 3 cm.

Seeds are repeatedly scattered with a small sheet of paper. If small bugs were formed, they are unfolded by tweezers.

From above covered with a layer of land not more than 1 cm.

Sowing moisturize with a spray gun, trying not to blur the top layer.

The container is covered with film. Inside maintain constant humidity and temperature 20 OS. In compliance with these conditions, shoots will appear in a week.

Place for seedlings are chosen with good lighting, organizing a light day for at least 12 hours. With the lack of light, seedlings will stretch, they will be weak and sluggish. So that this does not happen, make a shower.

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How to sow and grow marriages Maria Verbilkova

As soon as the first shoots appeared, the shelter is cleaned. Water only after complete soil graze in the container.

Feed young plants 1 time in 14 days. Use ready-made fertilizers for seedlings, such as:

  • "Firth Suite";
  • "Agrikola";
  • "Rassenin".

Velhets have low cold resistance. Therefore, in open soil they are planted, only when the temperature rises to 20 OS.

Place the landing is chosen solar. In such a plot, flowering will be abundant and bright. Nourishing soil, well conductive air and moisture. With neutral acidity.

In heavy clay, the soil additionally contribute peat and sand.

The plot under the flower leaf is drunk on the bayonet shovel by adding 30 g of nitroammophos by 1 m2.

The planting wells are placed at a distance of 25 cm from each other. Plants are plugged in them by 1.5 cm, the emptiness is filled with soil and slightly seal.

Lined seedlings watered.

Care after planting seedlings into open ground is in a thorough watering. It is carried out as the soil graze. Use the sprinkle method.

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How to sow and grow marriages Maria Verbilkova

Earth under flowers is maintained in loose state. So the root system will receive a sufficient amount of air. Do not allow soil seals. Loose at a depth of 1.5-2Cm.

For lush and long blossoms make feeding. It is enough to 1 times in 30 days. Vitamin and mineral compositions alternate.

Weeds are periodically removed.

Beautiful and neat colors are attached with trimming. Remove the shockless and faded inflorescences, broken and dry shoots.

In order to prevent the emergence and development of putrefactive diseases, do not allow taxation of landings.

The root system and the leaves of the velvets allocate a specific smell capable of protecting the landing from fusariosis and nematodes. Therefore, plants disembark not only on the flower beds, but also in beds with vegetable crops.

When soil drying, the velvets may be subjected to the attacks of a paustic tick.

Thickened landings and overabundance of moisture are the reason for the appearance of sulfur rot.

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