The most common and dangerous pests of cucumbers


    Good afternoon, my reader. Insect pests capable of cutting harvest and destroy all planting cucumbers, a lot. But not all of them attack the plants annually. Consider the pests found each season, on each site and in almost every region.

    The most common and dangerous pests of cucumbers 10346_1
    The most common and dangerous pests of Nelya cucumbers

    Pests and diseases of cucumbers (photo used by standard license ©

    The appearance of these sucking insects is massively. They attack the boarding of cucumbers in the early summer. There is a wave on the lower side of the leaves and sucks the juice from the plant. This leads to the cucumber bushes weakening and stop in growth and development.

    Symptoms indicating the appearance of the Tly, are:

    • Changing the color of the sheet plate and its veins;
    • Folding leaves;
    • reduction of foliage in size;
    • necrosis;
    • Drying and dedication of flowers and stocks;
    • curvature of cucumber weaves.

    The TLA can act as a carrier of infectious diseases of the plant, and its selection attracts other parasites.

    The most common and dangerous pests of cucumbers 10346_2
    The most common and dangerous pests of Nelya cucumbers

    Treatment of cucumbers (photo used by standard license ©

    To avoid the appearance of the ringer on landings, it is important to carry out timely prevention, which includes the following actions:

    • timely weeding;
    • Regular collection of plant residues and their destruction;
    • landing around the cucumber beds of plants with a sharp smell, releasing the pest (garlic, mint, dill, onions);
    • Getting rid of ants that are dated.

    As a type of tri, the whiteflink is also powered by juice and causes much harm to the plant both in the greenhouse and in the open soil.

    Symptoms of lesions of blonded bushes are identical with the defeat of the flue bushes. In order to prevent in the greenhouses, it is necessary to conduct annual disinfection of the Earth. In the winter period, the land is cooled, opening the doors and vents in the greenhouse.

    The most common and dangerous pests of cucumbers 10346_3
    The most common and dangerous pests of Nelya cucumbers

    Bellenka (photo used by standard license ©

    Regular weeding, the destruction of plant residues, planting plants with a sharp smell is also effective prevention and in greenhouse, and on open beds.

    The whiteflink, in contrast to the Tly, is able to produce immunity to drugs, so it is important to use different chemicals.

    Very small pest, the presence of which is noticed after the advent of thin white web on the bushes. It feeds on the juice of the plant, relaxing and leading it to death.

    The leaves on which the tick settled is covered with small white spots, with time growing. Sheet plate turns yellow, dries and pops.

    The most common and dangerous pests of cucumbers 10346_4
    The most common and dangerous pests of Nelya cucumbers

    Pest Processing (Photo Used by Standard License ©

    The prevention of the appearance of a spider tick is:

    • regular ventilation of greenhouses;
    • abundant watering;
    • weeding weed herbs;
    • removal and destruction of damaged leaves;

    Small but harmful insects. Felt on the bottom of the leaves and in flowers. Feed the juice of cucumber bushes and can infect the plant with viral infection. Have wings, easily move throughout the territory of the garden and are capable of attacking other plants.

    Signs of the appearance of an insect are the following factors:

    • Leaves and flowers are covered with small gray and white strokes;
    • Dry gray spots, darkening with time appear;
    • Leaves die away.

    Infected bushes are practically not growing, loss of flowers and leaves badly affects fruiting, the fruits are deformed.

    The most common and dangerous pests of cucumbers 10346_5
    The most common and dangerous pests of Nelya cucumbers

    Care for cucumbers (Photo Used by Standard License ©

    Prevention of pest appearance Next:

    • Regular watering;
    • ventilation;
    • Weeding and cleaning of plant residues;
    • Pumping soil in autumn and spring.

    Fighting with the pest is real only with the help of chemical insecticides that need to alternate. Folk ways of struggle do not work. With a large number of insects, plants are removed from the bed and burned.

    In addition to preventive measures, it is necessary to regularly inspect the cucumber bushes for the presence of pests or their traces. The earlier the fight against insects begin, the more successful its final, and above the likelihood of maintaining landings and harvest.

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