Archnadzor: Moscow City Hall demolished the church of Alexander Nevsky and paid for this 14 billion trusted Person Sergey Sobyanin

Archnadzor: Moscow City Hall demolished the church of Alexander Nevsky and paid for this 14 billion trusted Person Sergey Sobyanin 10335_1
Archnadzor: Moscow City Hall demolished the church of Alexander Nevsky and paid for this 14 billion trusted Person Sergey Sobyanin

On March 5, the building of the former School named after Prince Peter Oldenburg with the Church of Alexander Nevsky was demolished in the Brigadier Lane of Moscow. The Archnadzor conducted his own investigation and found out that Sergey Ambartsumian was the end beneficiary of the demolition of historical buildings - Sergey Sobyanin's trustee.

What is happening unequantly reminds the terrorist attack, the purpose of which is unclear and for which no one takes responsibility


social movement

According to the Regulation of the "Address Investment Program for 2020-2023", the Moscow government allocated 25 billion rubles by the Bauman MMTU to the construction of "educational buildings and administrative buildings".

On January 20, 2021, the subsidiary of the Moscow Construction Department announced a tender for "design and survey and construction and installation work" with a contract of contract for 14 billion (from the total budget of 25 billion). The competition did not take place due to the submission of a single application, but it was with the only applicant and a contract was concluded. The winner was recognized by the concern "Monarch" Sergey Ambartsumian.

Responsibility for demolition carry the Government of Moscow, Concern "Monarch" and MSTU Bauman


social movement

On March 2, Moscow signed an order to change the boundaries of the combined security zone of neighboring monuments, covering the main territory of the German Sloboda. A day later, Monarch employees began to demolish historical buildings and hurriedly damaged several parked nearby cars.

Neither in the place of demolition of buildings, nor in the public space, nor ceremonic officers, nor deputies of the Moscow City Duma nor police officers were shown by demolition permits

The General Director of the Monarch Group of Sergey Ambartsumyan, whose construction headquarters is located on the main territory of the MSTU Bauman, not the first time becomes the participant of the scandals. A similar incident occurred with the residents of the Morushkinskoye settlement in New Moscow. Residents suddenly found that construction began on the territory of the settlement.

According to the publication "Morning News", in 2015 "Concern Monarch" donated "United Russia" about 40 million rubles. In the media, Ambarcumian is called the largest "sponsor" "United Russia".

You can read the full text of the investigation on the site of the Public Movement "Archnadzor".

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