"Surprisingly, there is not a single scratch": A resident grodno turned over on a slippery road (video)


The reader of the autogly this morning survived the Audi 80 attraction today on his beloved Audi 80. In the morning, he went to the side of the "Privala" and realized that under the wheels, solid ice. The guy moved to the transfer, only a little holding the "gas". Suddenly the car brought. Alexander shares with our readers video from the Audi salon and details.

Alexander says that at 7:50 leaving Grodno and went fishing.

- At the exit of Grodno, I was stopped by the staff of the traffic police, checked the documents, praise that the car is in such good condition and I went further. In general, my car is in excellent technical condition, I worked on him for two years in a row. The machine from the first time passes the inspection, there is a new winter tires "Belshina", a new fire extinguisher, a first-aid kit and everything in such a spirit. I love the car very much.

Running right for the gas station and heading toward the "Privala", Alexander realized that under the wheels of "lively" ice.

- Moved only on transmission at a speed of 60 km / h with a 90 km / h permitted. Realized the cunningness of such a road and was extremely accurate. But suddenly the car led is completely unpredictable. Audi gone with a slippery rut and hooked the snow on the asphalt, at that moment I finally lost control.

According to the post you can see how Audi turns across the road and demolides a concrete column. The driver believes that due to the fact that the car "washed" to the concrete column, there was a coup. Otherwise, Audi slipped the bottom on the field.

- Surprisingly, there is not a single scratch. Tried only shock. I was fastened, the car completely removed my health. And this is a 32-year-old car. True, the Audi itself will drop the door, roof, hood, wings, with one wheel, tire peelled. Interestingly, all the doors open and close, as if the body geometry was not broken, "says Avtoglynly Alexander.

From his words, immediately after the coup near him, the ambulance car was stopped. Doctors drove past and asked if helping need help. A couple of minutes later, a police patrol stopped, the staff also asked the guy's health. At that time, our interlocutor had already called his father and in the traffic police.

- After some time, the tractor of road workers was driving past the tractor, but for some reason did not clean the road. I waved his hand and the driver stopped. He hooked my Audi with the rope and pulled it out of the cuvette. Thank you, "says Alexander.

- To me came those the most employees of the traffic police who checked my documents for another 10 minutes ago. "How so, they say, we just talked to you." They guided the situation and said that they were sent to study. In the future, they will contact me and explain how I act further, "the driver recalls.

Alexander says that one of the employees of the traffic police called somewhere and said "urgently, send the equipment, it is impossible to go on the way." But alas, one and a half hours, while the guy was on the place, did not come the road.

- It is very strange that no one came to sprinkle the road. Obviously, she never served after yesterday's blizzards. But in a kilometer from here the city center of the "Prival", where to celebrate "International Women's Day" can go Grodnots with children. Such an attitude towards the roads for me is a riddle, "Alexander spreads his hands.

From the seat of the coup Audi left its move. Only instead of a damaged wheel put a spare place. Finally, the guy slipped on the road ice shoes with the words: "There is no ice, I just incorrectly chose the speed."

With the editors of the autogly the guy still shared photos and photographs of his beloved car to the coup:

- Now my friends are thinking, they recognize me in an accident guilty of me, or those who have never sprinkled the reagent. I am also very interested in the final of this story, "says Alexander.

With his assumptions, Alexander invites Share and readers of the autogly in the comments.

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