Boris Johnson was given a vaccine Astrazeneca to prove her safety

Boris Johnson was given a vaccine Astrazeneca to prove her safety 10305_1
Photo: Associated Press © 2021, Frank Augstein

The British Prime Minister received the first component of the Oxford Vaccine from COVID. Politician called on the British to follow his example. Astrazeneca's vaccination was also made by Prime Minister of France.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson made a vaccination from coronavirus. Photos of how politics make an injection injection, developed by Oxford University and the British-Swedish company Astrazeneca, appeared in official accounts Boris Johnson in social networks.

Boris Johnson, United Kingdom Prime Minister: "I just made the first vaccine vaccine of the University of Oxford and Astrazeneca. I thank all the outstanding scientists, the staff of the National Health Service and Volunteers, thanks to which vaccination became a reality. The injection is the best thing we can do to return to life, according to which we miss. "

Johnson reminded that the European Medicinal Agency and the National Regulator recognized the drug safely, and urged the Britons to hurry in vaccination points.

Boris Johnson: "Listen to scientists, listen to the fact that the European Agency of Medicines and Medicinal Control Agency said yesterday. This risk is a coronavirus, and make the vaccination now - a very good idea. "

Johnson added to journalists that "did not feel pain from the injection."

Earlier today, Johnson promised to vaccinate from COVD-19 by the end of July, all adult population of Britain. He also stated that the interruptions in vaccination were caused by non-doubts about the safety of the Oxford vaccine, but interruptions in the supply.

Also, Astrazeneca vaccine under the sight of the TV camere came the 55-year-old Prime Minister of France Jacques Casteks.

The vaccination of the population of Oxford vaccine from COVID-19 was also resumed in Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Slovenia and Bulgaria.

Boris Johnson was given a vaccine Astrazeneca to prove her safety 10305_2
Johnson promised to vaccinate from all adults of Britain by the end of July

Recall, after reports that, due to the drug Astrazeneca, complications were recorded in the form of blood clots in different countries, the use of the drug was suspended in 20 countries. For example, today it became known that a nurse died in Georgia, driving in anyone after vaccinating Astrazeneca. But experts of the European Medicinal Agency (EMA) announced that they did not reveal the links between the vaccination of Oxford vaccine and thrombosis. The investigation will continue. The World Health Organization also recommended continuing vaccination with Astrazeneca with the wording that "the benefits of it exceeds the possible harm."

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