Turbo tractor against all-terrain forest-tourist! Someone was stronger, and someone turned over:

Turbo tractor against all-terrain forest-tourist! Someone was stronger, and someone turned over: 10290_1
Turbo Tractor / Photo from YouTube Channel Combat Crew without a steering

The image of the tractor always performed in the role of the most passable techniques. After all, if suddenly what, then you will have to run exactly behind him, behind the tractor. And this is understandable, four-wheel drive, maximum geometric permeability and a huge number of gears, including reduced. All this is how it is impossible to work better on off-road. But what will happen if the tractor is compared with the all-terrain vehicle? Which of them will be better on off-road?

The ability to make such a comparison was the bloggers from the youTube channel "Combat Crew". Their courtyard and so filled with the most different technique and they often compare it on off-road. Well, now, at their disposal also all-terrain vessels appeared. He is very similar to the famous Sherp, only costs 3 times cheaper. And so, the principle of operation and characteristics they are very similar. In the opponents he was chosen by "Volodya". So bloggers call their tractor.

Turbo tractor against all-terrain forest-tourist! Someone was stronger, and someone turned over: 10290_2
Forester-tourist / photo from YouTube Channel Combat Crew without steering

By the way, he is also not so simple as it may seem. He has special wheels with rubber from rocket carrier and a more powerful turbine. You can still notice the protective frame around the cabin, intended to protect the driver. The first part of the competition took place on a snowy swamp. Despite the viscous soil and large height differences, the tractor coped everywhere, although sometimes it was quite hot, and his wheels broke off from the ground.

Turbo tractor against all-terrain forest-tourist! Someone was stronger, and someone turned over: 10290_3
Turbo tractor against all-terrain forest tourist / photo from YouTube Channel Combat Crew without steering

Everybody, of course, in such a medium was familiar. He also drove everywhere, but experienced much less difficulties. The most interesting began when bloggers decided to storm a small ravine. Going down, they began to climb the tractor. But the hooking on the rear wheels was with head. Because of what, in one of the attempts, the tractor just turned over. He fell to a smooth account on the security framework. Return it to all 4 wheels had already had all-terrain vehicles. Which, by the way, was overcome by this ravine later. See for yourself:

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