Anastasia Efimova: "Protection for BTS Cake with figures"


This young girl creates such desserts, looking at which it is impossible not to want something sweet. Anastasia Efimova is a professional confectioner and founder of the cream-cake school, which discloses all the secrets of cooking processes and decorating confectionery products.

At the page, Anastasia is divided not only by professional secrets, but also details of personal life. The girl actively supports friendship with subscribers, which creates a truly confidence and warm atmosphere in her blog.

"My weight is 53 kilograms. And on this occasion, there was a lot of jokes among the "old" subscribers. They began to vomine that I am a witch, because so much I eat and not fat. My second name of Anastavan appeared from this, "Condryer says with irony.

Without an example, Anastavan never ceases to prove that impossible tasks simply do not exist. Her unique creative talent estimated many "confectionery virgins." That is how Anastasia calls its favorite subscribers on social networks. On his page in Instagram, Anastasia tells the entire backyard of the confectioner and offers professional, proven and high-quality content. It is not surprising that every day she chooses more and more people. The blog audience is growing in front of her eyes - more than 1 million people are watching the best copyright recipes, wanting to please their relatives with sweet masterpieces.

Anastasia Efimova:

We decided to take from this charming girl, pastryom, wives, moms interviews and find out all insides.

Nastya, how do you do that you love sweet, cook everything sweet, and we are weighing 53 kilograms?

Anastasia: This is the most important and painful question of my readers. Every time I open Direct in my Instagram, I see that subscribers are interested not only by the recipes of the cakes, but also the recipe for how to keep the figure. I want to note that I am a person who is far from fitness, sports and diets. Just lucky I was, this is a genetic feature. I inherited it at his father, who is very thin. Therefore, I eat a lot and not fat.

Top 3 of your most favorite recipes?

Why is your confectionery blog have such popularity?

Anastasia: Because I love my readers, I breathe completely and with all my heart. I do everything for them for yourself, and even more. I love every my reader. We have our own society "Panish women." These are talented people who create masterpieces and can create something in their small kitchen, from which their loved ones will burn their eyes. We have no anger and irritation. There is nothing but unity and love for art. We are on the same wave.

And to answer honestly, sweet harmful or not? Can I eat a piece of cake before bedtime or not?

Anastasia: Despite the fact that I really love sweet, I give myself a report how much is the calorie food. Anyone prone to completeness needs to be controlled. BUT! I always tell my readers:

But every day to use in front of bedtime cakes - harmful to any person. Cake is a work of art. For him, you need a special evening, a special mood and a special holiday. Then he will be unforgettable.

If a group of BTS arrived in Moscow, what kind of dessert did you prepare them?

Anastasia: I am familiar with this group by virtue of my profession. I converted a huge number of cakes for girls in love with BTS and just group fans. The most memorable cake was multi-tiered. He had 6 tiers in height. I made him on the birthday of the girls Alina. I remember her tears when she saw him. Therefore, first of all, I would make a cake with their figures. It would be multi-tiered and with candles. We would roll it out in the fog and under their song.

Now we suggest you plunge into a sweet pastry world, where the Anastavang blogger will become your faithful conductor. So, we will not delay and right now we will tell you the most popular corporate recipe for the cookie "sent" from your childhood.

For cooking you need:

Egg - 2 pcs.

Sugar - 170 gr.

Vanilla. Sugar - 1 package.

Drain oil. - 100 gr.

Salt is a pinch.

Sour cream - 30 grams.

Soda - 1/6 tsp.

Flour - 350 gr.

First, the burglar eggs with sugar and vanilla sugar before homogeneity. Add flooded oil and salt and mix thoroughly. Take soda and mix it with sour cream. The resulting ingredient pour into the egg mixture. Stir and add flour.

Getting a form for cookies and good germs, pre-lubricating vegetable oil. On one side of the form, lay out the dough in the groove for cookies and the first-side of the second side. Bake on fire below average about half a minute. Delicious and fast cookies from childhood are ready!

Other recipes are looking for anastavanga page in Instagram.

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