The government made extension of freezing prices for sugar and sunflower oil


The government made extension of freezing prices for sugar and sunflower oil 1028_1

The government considers the possibility of extending agreements on stabilizing prices for sugar and sunflower oil, the representative of the first deputy prime minister Andrey Belousov.

The government believes that agreements have proven its effectiveness. FAS, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Industry and Technology are entrusted to conduct operational consultations with a business about their extension. Agreements on freezing prices for sugar can be extended for two months, on sunflower oil - until October 2021

Sahara manufacturers from April 1 can be provided with a subsidy for half a year at the rate of 5 rubles. per kilogram if the plant won't raise the price. The total amount of subsidies can reach 3 billion rubles. To support the manufacturers of sunflower oil, it is also planned to launch the mechanism for subsidizing processing enterprises, which provides for reimbursement of the cost of production and the sale of bottled oil. In addition, the Eurasian Economic Commission works the question of removing the duties on sugar imports from May 15 to August 31, 2021 in the amount of no more than 350,000 tons.

The extension of agreements will allow to preserve the availability of socially significant products for the population, and state support - to preserve the necessary profitability of enterprises and ensure the domestic market with sufficient volumes of these products, said the Ministry of Agriculture. The ministry plans other measures to increase sugar production: this year, sowing areas under sugar beet will be expanded, which will produce about 6 million tons of sugar.

Of course, it is possible to cancel the dulid on imports of sugar, but with the delivery of its cost now it is 45 rubles / kg, reminds the employee of a sugar company. According to him, the manufacturers even on hand such an outcome: "Let them buy on London (that is, contracts are concluded on the London Stock Exchange. - Vtimes), driven to Russia, they are stored, pack ... Baba with WHO, as they say."

According to agreements concluded at the end of 2020, the maximum prices for sugar should not exceed 36 rubles / kg in wholesale trade and 46 rubles / kg in retail. On sunflower oil, the maximum price is 95 rubles / l and 110 rubles / l, respectively.

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