Putin or Siluanov: whose justice to pensioners will win?

Putin or Siluanov: whose justice to pensioners will win? 10277_1

Five years ago, the indexing of pensions operating retirees were canceled. As they said - temporarily. With the budget from the state is hard, and here how to cut, so indexing and restore. But not restored. Well, now, after five years, on top of working pensioners declared justice. True, we have a lot of tops, and they understand this justice in different ways.

However, I will leave so far, and back to yourself, to Nizam. So, the average pension last year was 16,400 rubles in Russia. But the average - it is the middle, as the temperature in the hospital. Because the minimum pension of the State Duma deputy, for example, 46626 rubles. And the subsistence minimum of a pensioner in our Novosibirsk region in the 2020th was 9487 rubles. Here is from such extreme values ​​and the middle pension in 16400 is consisted. We are three times less than the country salary in 47,000 rubles and twice less salary with a median size of 35,000 rubles.

And you want to eat pensioners. Buckwheat buy, sugar, sunflower oil. The products that went up in the 2020s so that even President Putin was indignant. And you need to buy medications yet. And for the apartment you pay, for the heat, for water, for energy. Where the tariffs are also, as well as the pension, are indexed annually at least in terms of inflation.

That is trying to retirees who are still in the power to work. Not to live and drive around the Maldives and Seychelles, but to survive. And in general, the work of a pensioner is his personal matter. But the pension is the subject of a public human contract with the state. Spent so many time, pay contributions to the Pension Fund, and a pension will be credited from these contributions. And under the terms of this agreement, a working pensioner is not different from the non-working anything.

But this is if followed by the established rules. However, the state of our way and the case itself is violated by itself. And every time in its favor. Wanted - and raised the retirement age. The accumulative pension contributions itself introduced, itself and frozen. The indexation of pensions itself established itself, and abolished ...

However, the state is multi-headed. And, alas, not all his heads know how to think and count more than a step forward. The indexation was canceled on the initiative of the Ministry of Finance, headed by Anton Siluanov. And saved, according to the calculations of the Ministry of Labor, about 250 billion rubles per year. Money - yes. But…

But only after that the number of working retirees in Russia immediately decreased from 15.3 to 9.7 million people. That is, about 5.6 million pensioners "went into the shadow", having ceased to pay taxes and contributions to pension and other funds. As a result, the Russian treasury began to lose 700 billion rubles a year. It is not difficult to calculate that the initiative of the Ministry of Finance on the economy on indexing brings the execution of the damage to $ 450 billion per year. That is, in five years since circumcision indexing pensions, the state has not saved 1.25 trillion rubles, and lost 2.25 trillion rubles. Just because in the Ministry of Finance to the Calculator forgot to add thinking heads.

So, here are the results of the five-year plan of circumcision from the Ministry of Finance: trillion losses of the budget, the care of millions of wages in the shadow and the accumulated deaf insult to the power of millions of elderly Russians who have become the government's decision to the second grade pensioners.

Whether this offense came from our bases to the top of the top, or the information about the losses of the budget made it there ... But at the past annual press conference, the president was finally spoken about the problem. Gently and clearly not wanting to put in an inconvenient position competence of the government, Vladimir Putin noted that in the situation with working pensioners there are "elements of injustice associated with insufficient indexation." The government was understood by the President of the President, and by February 1, Mildrus pledged to submit his proposals on indexing.

It is noteworthy that shortly before the president his gaze on the fact that there is justice, the Minister of Finance also expressed. Anton Siluanov said that the refund of the indexation "is not entirely fair", because retirees, they say, get a salary, and retirement. Such a careless Barskoy "get" ... the minister, apparently, the uncommon that "get" the alms on Parity. And retired wages earn, and retirement, with the state obligation of indexation, also earned many years of labor and deductions to their money to the Pension Fund.

... in six months and I will become a pensioner. Working, of course, because it is impossible to live on a pension. And therefore it is especially interesting to me - whose understanding of justice towards working retirees there, upstairs, prevails. Justice on Putin, or, as the past five years, justice for Siluanov?

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