For financing political activities from abroad - criminal liability? Gaidukevich told the details of the Law on Inaagents

For financing political activities from abroad - criminal liability? Gaidukevich told the details of the Law on Inaagents 10274_1

In Belarus, a new bill is being worked out about foreign agents - to equate individuals and organizations that receive funding for political activities from abroad. Yesterday, the leader of the LDPB Oleg Gaidukevich, one of the initiators of the project, stated that the bill can be accepted already on the spring parliamentary session. Today, he commented on Journalist Onliner, where did such an initiative come from, who can be recognized by an Afagent and what's the responsibility in this case.

Oleg Gaidukevich believes that the Law on Inaagents is not a Belarusian invention, but world practice. And adds: The initiative is aimed at monitoring the receipt of funds to the country, which are used for political activities.

- In any country of the world it is unacceptable. Any political party or politician who use foreign money in their activities is always defending the interests of the country that gives these means. There is no other way. If someone takes funding in a foreign country, it works for its national interests. That is why in all countries of the world a tough restriction on such political activities - up to the ban on participation in the elections or the possibility of occupying public positions.

According to Gaidukevich, if Belarus wants to build a competitive policy, it must "be mandatory to remove any possibilities of financing and supporting political activities from abroad."

- Why did the conversation about this law goes right now? Were there any prerequisites?

"I think this law should have been accepted for a long time: we have some people living with foreign grants to decades. At the same time, they have no work - there is no profession "Public Activist". But this initiative has gained special importance due to the elections of 2020. I know perfectly well how much money was invested in Belarus to participate in politics ... - Commented on Gaidukevich.

- Do you make an example?

- Any street activity is funded - nothing is just like that. There are people who sincerely have such views and come out to protest, and there are those who do it because of earnings. I believe that any policy should be made for the money of Belarusians.

The party leader adds: those responsible for the development of the law will not be guided by its preparation for a certain country. But among the leaders for imitation calls the United States and Russia.

- A similar law in Russia acts more than one year, a lot of adjustments made it. We live in the Union State, so much we will take from their law. At the same time, we remain an independent state - we will not copy everything. And even carefully examine the US law and analyze the initiatives of Europe, - said politician.

- What NPOs (non-profit organizations) will affect this law directly?

- Each case should be considered individually. If NKO is treating cancer and support for children, such organizations are green light. If it turns out that under the guise of NPO, money goes to political activities and promoting things that contradict our legislation and mentality, it should stop.

Gaidukevich also talks about responsibility for recognizing organizations or individuals by the inaagents. He mentions that in the whole world for this, it is primarily provided for fines and withdrawal of funds.

- I think that here too, you can not even attract one comb. In some cases, criminal liability may also be provided if such actions will repeat repeatedly, and the national interests of Belarus will damage will be damaged.

Politician does not yet know the exact date of preparation and adoption of the draft law. In his opinion, not only deputies, but also profile government agencies should work on the law.

- With the fact that this issue has been mutated too long ago, we can have time to accept it even at the spring session, "Gaidukevich concluded.

Short certificate. In 2012, Vladimir Putin signed the law on NPO. Then the obligation to register in the new status appeared at NPOs, which are engaged in "political activities" and receive foreign financing. According to the law for refusal to assign the status of a "foreign agent" such organizations face criminal liability.

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