What do you need to do to get rich? How is a man poorly rich to become? Part 1

What do you need to do to get rich? How is a man poorly rich to become? Part 1 10251_1
How is a man poorly rich to become? Part 1 Photo: Depositphotos

To this question, it will certainly not answer to you neither the all-in-service google, nor Yandex, nor Rambler. And even more so no neighbor or colleague. True, with one reservation, if this neighbor or colleague is not a millionaire who earned money with his own ability ... to make money. But, as a rule, people only envy such, but they are not solved asked. Or do not want that, probably closer to the truth.

How to become rich (and at the same time preferably healthy and happy), everyone decides himself. Or does not decide, shooting in poverty, as in a swamp bog, and plunging into it more and more. At the same time, a person, a strange thing, does nothing to become rich. "I did not live in a richly, nothing to start," sighs such here ... people. "Everything is against us in this world, like unfair!"

But the world is fair! If we turn to the Bible, what are your books in this "book"? "For your faith and you will be rewarded!" The poor person does not simply imagine how it is to be rich, but it does not believe that he himself can be ... a simple dollar millionaire.

Well, and why start? With faith. In the fact that you, too, can all that in the world is full of wealth that you can make your own. We just need to believe. But just to believe, IMHO, not enough. It is also necessary to know what the faith of a poor man is distinguished, which inevitably leads to poverty, and faith is rich, as inexorably leading a person along the way to wealth.

Well? Let's start.

What do you need to do to get rich? How is a man poorly rich to become? Part 1 10251_2
Photo: Depositphotos.

1. What is striking first of all? The poor man dreams of becoming a rich man immediately and, preferably, without doing anything. In the lottery win, inheritance to get, marry (marry leave) "on money", as a last resort. And rich ... This grown wealth, like a wheat farmer, starting with a small one, and does everything that the "harvest" was more.

2. The attitude to work in the poor and rich is also completely opposite. Poor thinks that in order to become rich, you need ... work more. Here and great health on two, three, sometimes and more works. And sells the most expensive thing that he has - the time of his life that will no longer return.

And rich? This "Zhuchara" always tries to work smaller, and "grab" (in money, naturally) more! The ideal option is not to work at all, and the money to come for yourself, and every day more and more. Say, it does not happen ... it still happens! Even the name of this is a scientific - residual income. It is only necessary to know how it is done, and ... do.

3. A poor person does not like to "bother." Why "to invent a bike", if it is so clear, everything is necessary, "as accepted". Why? "Because everyone do!" Yes ... Iron logic!

But rich does not what is familiar or what everyone is doing around, but the fact that money brings more. And thinks, trying, "spinning", in general. There I bought a little cheaper "all", here it was just more expensive than the "everyone", you look - on large volumes these "slightly" in millions turned. And the rest - as they traded on the trash, so on this tray and trade ... But "like everything"!

What do you need to do to get rich? How is a man poorly rich to become? Part 1 10251_3
Photo: Depositphotos.

4. A poor person does what "need" or "what will be ordered." And the rich ... "What I want." What do you like to do the most in the world? So think how to sell "it" more expensive!

5. Poor responsibility is afraid of pathologically. "And what, let the boss think! And the responsibility also takes on themselves! And our business is small ... We will see what will be. " Also in business: most are afraid to lose and only the units play to win, and take responsibility. And won! And the rest ... sigh: "Lucky ..." Take responsibility! Let it enter your habit, in relation to life!

6. By the way, another trait of a rich man - he is not afraid to give what to do is unprofitable, to others, in the liberated time earning money. Further for this money is "purchased" more workers who bring additional profits. And so indefinitely. And poor? "Want to do the work well - do it yourself!"

7. Poor always is to blame. Listen to the conversations of Granny on benches or conversations in a cheap beer ... All around is to blame, except for this person! So where does he be rich? Wealth comes to the one who is strong in spirit, who changes the circumstances in their favor, no matter how unfavorable they first seem! Want to become rich? There are no problems - marry just such a person!

8. "That's when I ..." - such an excuse always comes up with the poor. And waiting ... all my life! Favorable, ideal circumstances never come. What makes rich? He begins to act, using what is, as soon as the idea came to earn more. What to wait! Time is money!

What do you need to do to get rich? How is a man poorly rich to become? Part 1 10251_4
Photo: Depositphotos.

9. Attitude towards loans from poor and rich completely different! For a rich loan - the opportunity to earn extra money. And for the poor? The ability to spend money, not even earned!

10. By the way, the question "Why do you need money?" Defined only for the poor. "Spend!" - Without thinking, the poor will answer. For a man of rich money - a universal tool, the number of manipulations with which (except for banal spending) is very large, almost infinitely.

By the way, many poor people, winning a lot of money in the lottery, usually "profile" them ... well, very quickly. If such a "gift" falls on a rich man, he will invest money so that they bring constant income throughout the subsequent life. And even children and grandchildren ...

Fuh ... Tired. Translate the Spirit. Relax, think. After all, it is not all! Not everyone!

To be continued…

Author - Mikhail Gruzdev

Source - Springzhizni.ru.

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