A shortage of housing is emerging in New Moscow: the number of apartments at the initial stage of construction fell by 40%


The share of apartments at the initial stage of construction in New Moscow is now 24% or 2.2 thousand lots, for the year the exposition washed 40% for the year, the metric experts report. Even a two-time increase in new projects did not help - in 2020, construction was launched on four objects, and in 2019 - only two. Developers told what happened to new buildings in Tinao.

According to Vladimir Chukchin, the founder and co-owner of the Motherland Group, the main reason for the reduction of the proposal "on the pit" - a general reduction in the activity of developers in the last two years, at the same time, precisely on such proposals, there is a high demand.

"Buying an apartment in a new building at an early stage is very beneficial - starting prices are always lower than the outcome. Now there are few new objects in Tinao, and the housing in them is quickly bought out or goes to a higher stage of readiness and to another price category, "the expert notes.

"New projects and corps on the market developers did not take a significant part of 2020. First of all, due to a pandemic, and then due to the features of work through an escrow account. New rules do not allow developers to quickly saturate the overheated market with a new proposal and respond to market fluctuations promptly. Because of this, the share of exposure in the high stage of readiness increased and the average cost of a square meter rose, "Anna Boim comments, the commercial director of the A101 GK.

The difference between the value of the apartment at the start of sales and similar supply at the final stage of readiness can reach up to 30-40%, noted in the Floor's company. At the same time, the average cost of "square" in Tinao in 2020 increased almost 30% and amounted to 165 thousand rubles.

At the same time, according to analysts "Metreum", the proposal of new buildings increased by 11% at the installation stage and in the corps with finishing works - now almost 4 thousand apartments are implemented at this stage, and their share is 43%.

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A shortage of housing is emerging in New Moscow: the number of apartments at the initial stage of construction fell by 40% 10248_1
In New Moscow, they cease to build housing: the number of apartments at the initial stage of construction fell by 40%

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