Chronicle of Sunday. The leader of the BSDP Igor Borisov was detained, Svetlana Tikhanovskaya spoke out about the poll of "Voices"

Chronicle of Sunday. The leader of the BSDP Igor Borisov was detained, Svetlana Tikhanovskaya spoke out about the poll of
Chronicle of Sunday. The leader of the BSDP Igor Borisov was detained, Svetlana Tikhanovskaya spoke out about the poll of
Chronicle of Sunday. The leader of the BSDP Igor Borisov was detained, Svetlana Tikhanovskaya spoke out about the poll of

Sunday began with a clutch, but throughout the day there were still some events. For example, the leader of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party Igor Borisov was detained in Minsk. And Svetlana Tikhanovskaya spoke out about the interim results of the survey on the "Voice" platform.

Igor Borisov detained

In Minsk today, the leader of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party Igor Borisov was detained, his wife wrote on Facebook. According to her, they detained their policies directly in front of her and children. The Belarusian Social Democratic Party is one of the three associations, on the person of which in the Minsk City Executive Committee was submitted an application for the Will March 25.

Svetlana Tikhanovskaya spoke out about a survey "Voices"

Today, Svetlana Tikhanovskaya in his telegram-Channel spoke about the voting initiated by her on the "Voice" platform. "For three days, more than 620 thousand Belarusians voted for negotiations. This is an absolute record for all polls in the "voice" since the summer of 2020, "she wrote.

She noted that for 8 months of the "Voice" existence, no number was declassified.

"We are trying to prevent us from, because this vote already has results. In the OSCE, unprecedentedly quickly reacted to vote for negotiations. The initiative was supported by all democratic forces of Belarus, including the Coordination Council, Pavel Latushko, Valery and Veronica Chapecklo, BYPOL, Funds of Solidarity and Civil Initiatives. Foreign Ministry of Slovenia, Foreign Ministry of Austria, Swedish Chair at the OSCE, US Mission in the OSCE, experts, parliamentarians of national parliaments and European Parliament - they all supported us and are ready to help Belarus. And for this they need your voice, "said Tikhanovskaya.

At the moment, the "Voice" platform meter shows 622,453 votes.

Reply to detention of pensioners in the train

Today in the telegram channel of the project Skarga.Help, the response of the administration of the Moscow District on the appeal associated with the detention of pensioners in the Molodene Electrician was published. According to officials, reading books of Belarusian writers is not prohibited, but there is a nuance ...

We will remind, according to the information deprived of the registration of the Human Rights Center "Viasna", on February 26 at 10:45 at the time of the exit of the train at the Minsk-North station, a large group of pensioners was detained. People were detained in civilian clothes. According to an eyewitness, they detained at least 8 (later clarified - 26) a person, they read Belarusian books in the train, which was regarded as a promotion in support of the Belarusian language.

Prayer in Khatyn

Today, in the Memorial Complex "Khatyn" at 20:00, a mourning rally, requiem will be held, within which representatives of four denominations will be read by the All-Belarusian prayer for the world, reports the site of the complex.

Photo: In Zhdanovichi detained the mother of five children, a criminal case was brought to her

In Zhdanovichi detained a local resident who was the local chat administrator, the Ministry of Internal Affairs reports the Ministry of Activation. It is called the organizer of "tea drinking", "walks", "concerts". "For its activities, the woman has repeatedly brought to administrative responsibility, however, considering the Protocols, the court decided to appoint a sentence that did not associate with arrest, taking into account that she with her husband brings up five children," writes Telegram Channel ATC.

March 18, the woman was detained. For active protest activities, a criminal case was initiated against it.

Also, today it became known about the detainment of the wife of the journalist Ilya Dobrovevant Inna, this is reported by the accreditation of the accreditation of the human rights center "Vyasna". According to human rights defenders, there are five children unattended at home.

Ilya kindergarten wrote in Facebook that there was a check on the posters of political prisoners in his entrance, and in relation to Inna, a protocol under Part 3 of Article 23.23 was drawn up.

"Zamert Galas" recorded two new songs for Eurovision

The leader of the Zametta Galaste Group Dmitry Butakov said on the air that his team recorded two new songs at once. "We write them two weeks later," said Butakov.

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