We write: how to update the iPhone and lose 1 TB of data in iCloud


We have become accustomed to the fact that the immediate Apple Server "Stormist", which is why certain services of the company may not work. For example, Apple could not release iOS 14 for a long time on the release day, and then barely coped with the influx of those who want to install the update. At that time, even Apple TV + did not work. As a rule, Apple servers are restored (sometimes it takes several hours), and soon all services come back to normal life. But not for everyone. The reader of Appleinsider.ru shared the story, as after the recent failure of Apple services lost 1 TB of data in your ICLOUD storage.

We write: how to update the iPhone and lose 1 TB of data in iCloud 10220_1
Do backups, they said. And sense?

According to her, the problems initially began after unsuccessful update to iOS 14.4.

This is a very unusual problem. Usually, even in the most running cases, the data still manages to restore from the backup of the iCloud (this is also a bitter experience, and Apple itself). What happened in this particular case?

Because the reset of the device and its update took place on February 4, perhaps the data recovery somehow influenced a large-scale Apple service failure, which happened at this time. We paid attention to this in our Instagram, because that day a lot of stale was received that this or that service does not work. Someone, for example, could not add a bank card to the Wallet application.

We write: how to update the iPhone and lose 1 TB of data in iCloud 10220_2
Reset and restoring iPhone really coincide with problems on Apple servers

Another question - why did not the data and recovered? The message was written on February 10, that is, 6 days after reset and 5 days after the problem is detected. During this time, the iPhone has already had to connect to icloud and download everything. However, in this case, the problem is that the data was gone from ICloud. The reader took advantage of his second telephone, the iPhone X, where the media library was originally duplicated, but after connecting to charging, the phone was synchronized with ICloud and, according to her, too, "all the snow".

It turns out, repeatedly reset and try to restore the phone is also useless, because it will restore the same data that is now. Where are 1 TB photos and other data?

While Apple cannot answer this question. In this regard, we ask you to tell you in the comments, whether you experienced similar problems in early February with ICloud or other Apple service. Or perhaps you have previously come across such a problem and somehow could solve it.

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